31: The Next Step

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"I wanna be your endgame
I wanna be your first string
I wanna be your A Team
I wanna be your endgame, endgame"

- Endgame, taylor swift.


Viola and Jace watched as Simon spilled the drink Maia had poured for him. Jace snorted and walked up to Simon, Viola following behind him.

"Smooth." Jace remarked as Simon noticed him and put his head in his hands.

"Is this the only bar in Brooklyn?" He asked, annoyed. Maia appeared from the counter.

"Wow, you must have a death wish." She growled.

Jace took a seat. "Isn't it time we kissed and made up?"

"Or I could just rip your face off." Maia shrugged. Viola stifled a laugh behind Jace and Maia shot her a smile.

"That's another way to go," Jace said. "Can I have four tequila shots, please?"

"Guess some girls are immune to your charms, huh?" Viola remarked as she sat down next to Simon.

"You know, there's always that one rare exception," Jace shrugged.

"Hey Viola," Simon said, pointing towards her hand. "Who gave you that? It's beautiful"

Viola looked down and saw that he was referring to the bracelet Alec had gotten her.

"Oh, this. Alec got it for me." She replied, a warm tingle going through her body.

Simon broke into a grin. "Great. That means Alec took my advice."

Jace choked on his shot. Viola looked confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Alec came to me asking what he should get you." Simon said simply. Jace's face reddened as Viola broke into a laugh, imagining how much Alec would have hated going to Simon for advice.

"You?" Jace asked in disbelief. "Alec asked you for advice on what to get a girl."

Simon grinned. "Yeah."

Jace shook his head and turned away, a small glimpse of hurt on his face.

"Why are you here?" Simon asked him.

Jace's face relaxed. "Book club."

"You read?" Simon asked, surprised.

"Yeah." The blonde pointed towards a group of faeries sitting behind them. "And so do they."

Viola rolled her eyes as Simon and Jace argued. She scanned the room, bored, and ended up spotting Isabelle. Grateful that someone other than two bickering idiots she knew, was present, she got up and walked towards her. She became slightly slower when she realised who Isabelle was talking to. She strode up to Isabelle.

"Viola I- what are you doing here?" The lightwood asked but Viola wasn't looking at her. Instead, she was eyeing the vampire Isabelle had been talking too.

"The question is, what is Rufus doing here? He knows he's banned from North America..." Viola paused. "indefinitely."

Rufus grunted. "Magnus' little pet shadowhunter always up in our business." He muttered and stalked off.
"I'll have to report this to Magnus." Viola said and turned towards Isabelle. "Izzy?" She looked at her expectantly, looking for an explanation.

"I'm here on business." Isabelle said quickly.

Viola raised an eyebrow. "Drug dealer business?"

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