26: Chocolate

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"I think he knows his hands around
A cold glass
Make me wanna know that body
Like it's mine"

- I Think He Knows, Taylor Swift


It was slightly past 7 pm when Viola finally put down the tray and stepped back to look at her masterpiece. She tilted her head and frowned.
"You could try using some other colors?" Magnus said from behind her.

Viola glanced at him. "Magnus, for the last time, I am not making green chocolate bars."

Magnus made a face, "Your loss." he replied and stalked off.

Viola laughed slightly as she watched him go and attempted to remove the chocolate that had gotten stuck on her hands. The door of the loft opened and Alec walked in, wearing his usual leather jacket and black pants.

"I got your fire message. What's the emergency?" He asked her, his expression changing from worried to curious as he glanced at her hands. "Are those..."

"Chocolate? Yes. I decided to make chocolate bars since I'm not at the institute." She replied, proudly.

"Viola, You do know Valentine's back and there's possible going to be a war?" Alec asked looking at her in disbelief.

Alec shook his head. "Why aren't you at the institute?"

Viola made a face, brushing her blonde hair, which had been sticking out from her ponytail, out of her face. "Aldertree was getting suspicious. I wanted to get out of the institute for some time."

"Then why'd you send me a fire message saying there was an emergency," Alec asked her, looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry about the emergency call, but it really was the only way I could get your attention," Viola replied and moved to wash her hands in the sink.

"Well, since you're okay, I should probably get back." Alec shuffled and made to leave.

"I'm not okay..." Viola stopped him, her tone getting softer. "because you're not okay. Alec.. you haven't stopped for a second, taken a moment for yourself." She turned to face him.

"Viola, we're in the middle of a war," Alec replied.

The blonde waved her hand, "There will always be a war. A mission, a problem. Look, I speak from experience. If you fail to grant time for the things you care about, you'll forget why you're even fighting at all." She said softly.

Magnus stuck his head into the room. "Did you just quote me?"

"Were you eavesdropping, Magnus?" Viola glared at him.

"Er- No?" Magnus offered.

Viola shook her head and turned back to Alec, "So, What do you say?"

Alec shrugged. "What do you have in mind?" He replied, his face breaking into a smile.

Viola grinned. "YESS! I was thinking may-"

At that precise moment, a loud explosion came from the freezer in which Viola had put the chocolate to mold. Alec jumped back, his hand going to his bow. Viola walked towards the freezer door, pulled it open, and gasped.
"MAGNUS!" She yelled and stalked off to find him, leaving Alec confused as to why there was green chocolate in the freezer.


It was half past 10 next time Alec came to Magnus' apartment and was welcomed by the cheerful warlock.

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