28: Morning

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"What must it be like
To grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominos"

- Gold Rush, Taylor Swift 


The next morning, Viola woke up to the sound of plates crashing from the kitchen. She groaned in her asleep and turned around to find the bed next to her empty. Throwing off her blankets she stumbled into the bathroom, threw water on her face, and proceeded to the kitchen. Jace stood in front of the stove, attempting to flip something that looked oddly like a pancake but not quite a pancake either. He grinned up at Alec who was standing next to him, eyes shut and a hand rubbing his forehead. He hadn't changed out of his trousers from which Viola gathered he, too, had been woken by Jace's marvelous attempts to make breakfast.

"Viola! Breakfast?" Jace exclaimed, taking notice of her. Alec looked up and smiled sheepishly up at her, his dark hair ruffled and falling into his blue eyes. Viola returned the smile and eyed the loopy pancake that Jace had been offering her.

"I think I'll pass." She replied.

"Thank God," Jace said cheerfully. "Now you can conjure up some real breakfast." The blonde seemed equally eager to get rid of his creation and tossed the pancake into the dustbin. He turned to Alec and spread his arms, "Problem solved."

Alec sighed. "He's been trying to make breakfast for an hour." He explained to Viola and shot her a helpless look. Viola grinned.
"Let me just get changed up and I'll make something."

The next time Viola returned to the kitchen, Alec had apparently left and Jace was on the sofa watching a movie.

"Where's Alec?" She asked looking around.
"Ah yes," Jace replied, not looking up from the movie. "He said he had something he needed to do and would be back in some time."
"But he didn't even have breakfast," Viola said taking out a pan.

Jace shrugged. Fifteen minutes later, both of them were full from the scrambled eggs and sausages Viola had made. Jace had announced that he was going to go sleep since the "exploding tap" had kept him up last night. Viola, in turn, decided to clean up a little considering Magnus wouldn't exactly appreciate a leaking tap and broken plates. That much was easy enough since all the girl had to do was swing her hands and everything was back in its place.

The only thing she had to do by hand was water the plants that sat on her room's windowsill. She had only started to water the aloe plant when a small breeze brought in a piece of paper. Intrigued, Viola picked up the soaked paper and opened it up. A small gasp escaped her mouth as she read what was written on it. Just two words scrawled in dark red ink. Filthy Half-blood.


Simon Lewis had thought it was unusual when the werewolves hadn't broken down his door by 10 AM. But alas, his happiness didn't last long. He was woken up by the banging on the door of the storage room the werewolves had so kindly given him to live in. Annoyed, he rolled out of bed, ruffled his hair, and pulled open the door. "Listen, I know what you're about to say, but Luke said I could- Alec??" He broke off. He had started his sentence with the expectation that the werewolves had come to kick him out but he had ended it with surprise as an annoyed Alec Lightwood stood in front of his door.

"What- What's going on?" Simon asked, his eyes jerking awake.

"Can I come in?" Alec asked and stepped past Simon without waiting for an answer.

"Sure...er- am I in some sort of trouble? It's just that I thought we weren't really on "visiting" terms." Simon replied, shutting the door behind him.

"Trust me, I'm not happy to be here either." He replied flatly, turning around to face him. Simon noticed that he wasn't in gear and instead, was wearing a plain faded shirt and jacket with jeans. His hair was slightly unkempt.

"But....." Simon exclaimed trying to flatten his hair.

"But.." Alec muttered. "I needed your help."

"Sorry? What was that?" Simon replied, and he seemed genuinely confused.

Alec glared at him, his eyes as piercing as the arrows he wielded. "Don't make me regret this, vampire."

Simon lowered his grin. "Okay, Okay. What do you need my help with? Frankly, I always thought I wasn't of much use to you."

"You're not. Don't flatter yourself. It's about Viola."
Simon looked surprised. "About...Viola?"
Alec rolled his eyes. "Look, Viola's spent a lot of time with you ever since she took a break from the institute-" Simon nodded. "-so, I figured you'd know what she would like as a gift?"
Simon's eyes widened. "Oh my god, is it her birthday? Did I forget?"

Alec shut his eyes in annoyance. "No."

"Oh. I see." Simon said slowly, as realization hit him.

Alec looked up at him expectantly.

"Uhh, I suppose she'd like maybe chocolate, flowers, headphones, books, maybe-" He started.

"No. This isn't working." Alec cut him off and walked towards the door.

"Wait! She was admiring my sister's old necklace when I first moved here. Maybe get her something like that?" Simon added.

Alec turned around a thoughtful expression on his face and nodded ever so slightly. Then, he walked out, leaving the door open behind him.

Simon shook his head in annoyance.

"Thank you, Simon. You've been a great help, Simon." He said imitating Alec's voice. "Not even a thank you."


Two hours had passed since Jace had passed out and Viola had taken to cleaning. Alec quietly opened the door and entered the apartment. Viola appeared from her room and upon spotting Alec, her face brightened.

"Where were you? You left without breakfast." She exclaimed as Alec took off his jacket and put it aside.

"Izzy needed some help. Besides, I wasn't hungry." He replied and sat on the sofa. "Where's Jace?" He added, looking around.

"Asleep," Viola replied and went to sit next to him. A little while passed before Alec spoke.

"I was thinking we could spend some time together again today." He said quietly.

"I'd like that," Viola replied, tilting her head and smiling warmly.

Alec smiled back and a brown paper stuffed in her pocket caught his eye.

"What's that?" He asked gesturing to the paper.

Viola's warm expression disappeared as an uncomfortable one took its place. She shuffled.

"Viola...what's wrong?" He asked, a tinge of worry in his voice. Slowly, Viola took out the paper and gave it to Alec. The Lightwood studied it quietly as Viola explained how she had opened her windowsill and found it. "Any idea who sent it?" Alec asked.

"No..." Viola bit her lip. "But..remember that guy who kidnapped me once? I think I saw him again last night. Just for a second but he looked at me and disappeared.."

Alec straightened up. "You didn't tell me??"

"I didn't want to ruin the date." She said quietly.

Alec sighed. "It's alright. Do you think he could have sent this?"

'It's possible. He's one of the few people who seemed to know the truth about me."
Alec looked at the paper thoughtfully. "I'm going to try to track him. I'll be back, don't tell Jace." He got up but Viola stopped him.

"Not so fast. I'm coming with you." She replied. "Besides, you said yourself you wanted to spend more time together. Why not do that while hunting a deranged, green-eyed kidnapper."


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(Note: This is slightly short but i have a real fun one next so....!!THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS, UPVOTES AND SOME COMMENTS <33) 

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