1: " Viola "Part 1

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Viola knew something was off when Magnus had a warlocks meeting and was acting strangely all day. She also knew about Valentine coming back to life and the demon attacks. She should have guessed that when Magnus went into a complete lockdown. Being a rogue shadow hunter who usually spent time wandering the streets, you hear stuff. Especially if you lived with Magnus. She should have also known something was off when Magnus randomly teleported back to the loft with an odd group of people.

She had been in the lounge when it had shifted and Magnus along with 4 other teenagers had appeared in front of her. Magnus was in his usually cheetah print shirt and glittering make up and was smiling smugly. "Ah, much better." He exclaimed. "There you are, Everyone this is Viola and Viola this is everyone." Viola smiled at him warmly.

Her eye's scanned over the rest of the people. There was a pretty red haired girl, with sparkling green eyes. She seemed pretty shaken. On her right side stood a guy with one hand behind her back steadying her. He was gorgeous. Viola would have been literally worshipping him if she was into blondes....or shadow hunters. She bit her lip as she noticed the runes on his arms. What trouble had Magnus gotten himself into this time? Next to him stood a boy and girl. The boy had raven, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. A crossbow slung over his body which was alert if he had been in a fight yet his face was steadily fixed. A luck rune tattooed his neck. The girl, who obviously seemed to be his sister, had the same beautiful hair and eyes and an even stunning body. Viola liked her immediately.

"Magnus....what's going on?" She inquired snapping out of her observations.

"Oh I promised these shadow hunters help in exchange for something of mine." He waved his hand around as if it was nothing. "Magnus.." Viola started warningly.  "Don't worry... this group isn't like those creeps we hd over last month. It's just Clary Fairchild, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood and Jace Wayland." Viola smiled and relaxed a bit. She had heard about the Lightwoods and Jace. They lived in the institute.

"Could we hurry up please." Said Clary.

"Yes, Clary's right, Magnus can you help us." Inquired the blonde.

"Of course I can, I'm the high warlock for a reason." Came a very sassy reply. 

"Before that..., I need to use the restroom.. Magnus?" said Alec, clearly embarrassed for the interruption.

"Oh yes, Vi, darling, please show Alec here the restroom upstairs." Said Magnus

Viola sighed; "Follow me"


She turned and walked through the door, Alec following her. They climbed a set of stairs and then into a room. Viola opened the door and walked in; "Just through here," she motioned towards another door with her hand. As she turned around and made to leave she heard a sudden movement and the next moment, there was Alec with a small knife pointed at her. As a sudden action, she moved her hands up to her face and purple smoke came out of her fingers which made the knife fall from his hands.

"H-How did you..what?" A very startled Alec asked.

"I couldn't just let you kill me now could I?" Viola retorted back.

"I wasn't trying to kill you, You seem oddly familiar so I, was just suspicious about if you were a downworlder or a shadowhunter. It worked didn't it. Your a warlock" Alec's expression turned to one of curiosity but he quickly masked it with an expressionless face.

"No, Im not a warlock, genius." Viola replied with a smirk.

Alec raised an eyebrow. "A very unusual faerie then?"


"What- a mundane!?"


For a moment it seemed as if Alec would reply but he hesitated and closed his mouth. A couple of silent seconds passed and then Viola spoke. "Im a shadowhunter."

Alec's eyes widened, "But you can do magic?" She shifted uncomfortably and cleared her throat. "Yeah, and no, I won't tell you why." Again, seconds of silence passed.

"So um did you really have to go to the bathroom or-?" Viola awkwardly asked.

"Oh uh, yeah I did.." Alec replied.

"Its just through there. I'm sure you can find your own way back. Also don't touch the window. Magnus put a couple of spells on it which you do not want to be on the receiving end of " And with that she turned on her heels and went back.


AHHH The first chapter is up. PLEASE let me know how it is so far. I'm super nervous and some feedback would help. <3 

- eliza

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