Chapter Three: The Vampires Death

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As the war continues on with the kingdom in the north, things were about to get worse for Enoch's parents. Vampire hunters have been sent out to scout ahead to watch the guards make their rounds and change. I happened to be with my parents as they talk about going ahead to scout on the coming forces heading to our home. Walking over to them smiling as I approached.

"May I come to hunt please?" My mother smiles at me as she knelt.

"Of course you can come hunting with us Enoch" My father watched us and smiles some.

"My son, we are going on a hunt up north in the human territory. There we will feast on fresh blood and bring back any humans as food or slaves for the castle"

"I understand father." I looked up at him from my mothers arms.

We left that night with our stuff and hunting equipment. I got onto my horse as my parents got on theres quietly. The guards lined up infront and behind my parents as I remained close to them. It takes us a few days to get to our spot since our horses were faster than the usual kind. These were much worse than normal horses, glowing red eyes, bigger bodies, they have sharper teeth. Basically undead horses that vampires use.

  The tents were set up and a few things brought inside. Clothes, pillows, blankets and other items so we could be comfortable to sleep. Sitting down in my spot, my parents were talking outside amongst themselves.

"We shouldn't have brought him here with us Jack, he's just a little boy" my mom whispered to my dad.

"I know, but he needs to see how these humans act towards people like us. They treat us like monsters and a plague to this world honey"

"There are hunters after us Jack. They might kill him too for being a vampire" my mother retorted

"Honey, they won't get to him without killing me first" He answers.

"I know Jack, but still. He can't be here with us in the middle of a war with these pests coming for us."

My father was about to say something until he heard something in the brush. He quickly looked as the guards were alerted that someone or something was nearby. They gripped their weapons and two walked over to the brush to see what it was. Quickly, hunters leaped out at the two guards, killing them swiftly with their blades. They had poisoned the blades with salt and other concoctions to kill us easily. More jumped out to kill the rest of the guards as a few of these vampire hunters were killed by some of our archers. My dad grabbed his sword and cut of few of these hunters down himself as my mother came to me in the tent with her weapon drawn.

"What's going on mommy?" I asked her.

"Hunters, sent to kill us Enoch. But don't worry, you're father will deal with them" She tells me.

Two hunters came into the tent after my mom and she killed them. "Mommy!" I yelled at her. She turns around and that's when one of the hunters drove their sword through her back.

"No!" I yelled and the hunter dragged me out of the tent

My father saw and he ran over, but the hunter had his weapon ready to kill me. "Come any closer and the boy dies" He says.

My dad angered at the man for killing his wife and threatening his son throws his sword down. "Let him go, he's just a child" He commands the hunter.

I hear him laugh as he held my shirt tight. "We were hired to kill you and your family" the hunter says.

My father snarls and managed to swiftly kill him until an arrow hits him in the back afterwards. "Dad!" I yelled as tears swell in my eyes. The other hunters came up to me with smirks on their faces. Only five of them were left. Angry with the death of my parents, I got up and killed the rest of them from the pure rage I had in my body. All of them savagely killed. I fall to my knees near my dead, he was still barely breathing.

"S- son" he calls out to me. "Go back to the kingdom and tell the others.... what happened to us. Our general, Azriel will take care of you and deal with the humans" He drew his last breath and died in my arms.

"Dad! Dad, please stay with me" tears fell from my face, crying for a moment. After a few minutes, I grabbed his sword and went home. It took two days to get back as I walk up to Azriel with my father's sword in my hand.

His eyes widened and took me into his arms. "You're father warned me of this Enoch, I promised him to take care of you if this ever happened and now I see that I have to fill that duty." He was a tall man with dark skin. But he was kind to me whenever he visited. Scooping me up, I held onto his neck and lays my head onto his shoulder.

"I'm tired"

"I can tell, and see that you killed off whoever attacked you. You obviously deserve to be trained to fight just like your parents" He walked into the castle and took care of me from there.

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