Chapter Seven: The Girl

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Star's POV:

Roaming the countryside without really thinking about anything but my past life, I stumbled upon someplace that felt off. Out of all the years of being an Angel in heaven and falling to earth. I have been roaming around to try and get a sense of direction. But it was hard since I was not really paying attention to my surroundings until I stumbled upon some place unusual.

  The building was vampire like and the surrounding air had a dark feeling to it. Standing in the forest, unsure what to do other than moving towards the large manor. Guards come into view as one of them walks up with his weapon at his side.

"State your business little lady" the guards voice was demanding.

"J-just wondering around. I got lost and somehow stumbled upon this place" Shaking a little bit in the cold weather.

The guard looks down and sees I had no shoes on and a dress on. "Follow me then"

The guard turns around and walks towards the entrance. It was slightly difficult to keep up with his swift stride. I had to walks fast, as if almost in a jog. He opened the large and heavy doors as the other guards kept to their posts.

Inside the large manor, it had Victorian style and themed walls, flooring, decorations and lighting. Their was some updates to it to make it feel up to date. The red carpets and iron chandeliers in the hallway made me feel uneasy. We got to another door as the guard opens that easily as well. Once inside the room, my face and eyes looked around in awe. The throne room was simple as it was wide with different shades of gray. The floors were a gray and black combination as the walls were a dark grey to match the black with hints of gold on the columns.

The guard brought me to a handsome man on a throne. His dark hair, brown eyes, and handsome features made me feel warm inside and it was hard to keep myself from blushing slightly.

The guard knelt infront of this mysterious man with his head bowed down to him. "My lord, this woman walked upon the property of the manor. She was wondering about when I saw her"

"Hmm, this delicate little creature stumbled upon my home this late?" He asked.

"Yes my lord, what do you suggest for her?" The guard lifts his head at the man.

"I will deal with her, you may go" the guard bowed and leaves.

"What is your name miss?"

I gasped a little at his kindness. "I-it's Vivian sir. I-I didn't mean to bother you this late in the hour" I backed up scared of what will happen.

"He stood up and walks over to me. "Come with me Mrs. Vivian. Let's get a warm bath going and get you something to eat and clothes" He was holding his hand out for me to take.

Blushing with my hands near my face to hide it, I took his hand as he leads me out of the throne room and into another hallway. Not exactly sure where he was taking me at first, as we took a left turn and went through another door. We were in a hallway that led to what I assume some bedrooms. He stops at one door and opens it for me.

"I hope this room will accommodate your needs to be comfortable" he walked in and shows me the room.

It was elegant and had plenty of space. More space than a normal person would have for a bedroom. Looking around in awe as he stood behind me at a distance to let me soak in everything.

"Do you like the room so far?" He walked over, his footsteps silent.

"Y-yes sir" I turned around to face him as he smiled.

A servant comes in with food as another came in with clothes and warm water to get cleaned. "I will leave you then so you may eat and get cleaned up"

"Thank you umm?"

He chuckles at me. "Where are my manners. My name is Enoch"

"Thank you Lord Enoch, for being so kind to me" I smiled at him as the servants walked out of the room.

"You're welcome Mrs. Vivian" he turns on his heel and left. Closing the door softly behind him.

I sigh and relaxed as I look at the food. Soup and crackers alongside a cake and some fruit. I ate the food first since my kind barely eats actual food. In fact, angels don't eat food at all. I only did eat it to make the staff happy and not wanting to give anything about me away. After eating, I get undressed and steps into the warm bath that was made for me. Relaxing as the water soothes me and stays there for fifteen minutes before cleaning up and stepping out.

Walking towards the bed, the folded clothes the servants gave me were nice. A nightgown to sleep in and a simple winter dress all neat infront of me. I slipped the nightgown on, before I placed the dress next to the bed on the nightstand.

"I guess I don't have to worry about clothes tomorrow" Laying in bed as I think to myself.

I was casted out of heaven for my love of the humans. Being way too nice and helpful got me here. This made me angry and I was paying the price for my actions. Being an angel that judges people before they could enter heaven. Some do enter, but the number was slim most of the time. Their sins outweigh the good work they do. Which means the are sent to hell, rather than entering through the gates into heaven. Hopefully the angel that takes my place, won't meet the same fate as I did. Turning to my side, I eventually fell asleep for the night.

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