Chapter 15: Prisoner

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A/N: Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been busy all summer m. I will continue posting when I can. Thank you for reading!

I was chained to the wall when I woke up. Groaning from just finally getting the sleep shaken off from my eyes. Looking around and only seeing that I am still alone. Except from the one guard on the other side of my cell. He was of course checking in on me before spitting into the cell and walking off.

Sighs and just hung there with my head low. Staring at the floor until I heard more footsteps headed towards my cell. It was one of King Donovan's mistresses with food in her hands. The guard unlocked the cell door for her, letting her walk in with him following behind. She stood several feet away as the guard takes the metal cuffs off my wrists and leaves. Closing the cell door and then locking it.

I was rubbing my wrists as I looked at the girl. She placed the food down on the floor as she sat near the wall.

"Why are here, with the food?" I asked her

"You have been here for almost a week now. Surely you are hungry at this point?"

"I am hungry, but I get most of the nutrition from blood" I was still naked and was covering that area by kneeling down.

"Oh, that's right. Vampires do need blood I guess"

I stared at her for a moment. "You're not afraid of me?"

"Why should I be afraid of you? Seem pretty normal like everyone else, except for the immortal and blood drinking part" she stared at my chest a bit.

"You have a name at least?"

"Lenore" she replied

"Lovely name. But I never heard of it before"

"It's not a common name."

"Well thank you for the food so far"

She nods and decided to leave me so I could eat. I got a hint that she didn't want to see me in here caged like some animal when she left.

Looks at the food before slowly eating it. It was leftovers from whatever meal the servants had and was somewhat seasoned. But it's better than stale bread and little water. Once I finish the food, I moved myself to one of the corners of the cell and curled up.

Hearing the door to get into the dungeon swings open as two guards drag in a man by the arms. He was pleading with them already about not being guilty of stealing and beating up an old man for his money.

He was already shaking and the guards put him in the cell next to me. They beat the poor man up as I heard his screams of pain and the sound of fists hitting him and the guards kicking him. After the man passed out, the guards left laughing about what they just did. Enoch could only think he was next and it could be at any time. He just remained in his corner quietly without disturbances for the entire day.

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