Chapter Thirteen: Traveling

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As the hunters travel back to King Donovan's castle. Enoch was still bound as a rope was tied to him and a horse that was leading him. The rider was about the same height and build. He wasn't too kind towards vampires. He only looked at Enoch in disgust every time he turned to look back. Spitting on him and calling him names. It didn't bother Enoch since he already knew what he was.

A vampire. That was it, nothing more and nothing less. He had the immortality of a god and the strength. The other men weren't happy to have a vampire traveling with them. Uneasy feelings towards each other and to Enoch while in their presence.

King Donovan wanted him alive. He also gave them orders to torture him whenever Enoch would lash out. If he ever did of course and most likely will. Eventually, but when will eventually come?

Enoch was planning in his mind on how to make these hunters suffer. Some already had families. Kids and wives to think about, to take care of as the next generation of hunters. He wasn't keen on killing kids. Enoch will have too if some will grow up hunting his kind. They already killed his parents at the age of five. This was traumatic for him and he grew up with a cold heart towards humans for that.

What's left of the group of hunters were five of them. That's all that's left out of the group of twenty. Some were only eighteen to twenty five years old. Barely able to have a life of their own or lived long enough. Some of those that age have been killed when they stormed the castle. Families will cry when the news comes back about what happened. Just kids and King Donovan doesn't care. Only when the job gets done.

It got dark and the men stopped for the night to rest. They were in the forest which provides enough shade. Two tied Enough to a nearby tree that was large enough to make sure the ropes were able to go around the tree. It acted like a post so they managed to keep his hands tied behind his back.

Enoch rests his back against the tree as the hunters sat around a fire and ate. He was quiet as looked down. Not caring about the men that was holding hime prisoner.

After they all ate, one of the men walked over with a plate. He was older and had a few grey hairs. Kneeling down, he picked up the fork and fed whatever leftover scraps to Enoch.

"You need to eat what we give you" the hunters ordered.

"I don't want your food" Enoch turned his head away.

"It's this or stale bread with no water"

"I don't care. You're all just cattle, blindly following some fat king that orders you around for his own benefit"

The hunter slaps Enoch. He could only stare at the hunter infront of him. Growls coming out from within his chest.

"Growling at me like an animal is not going to help"

Enoch snapped at him as the hunter drops the pan and stumbled back some. The others got up with hands on their weapons.

"We should kill him now and let his body rot where he is" A young one by the age of twenty pipes out.

The others nod agreeing that Enoch should be killed.

"No. We have our orders to bring him back by the king" the man stood up and dusts himself off.

The man just punches Enoch a few times until he got tired. He was panting by the time he was done. The knuckles were bruised as Enoch's nose and mouth were bleeding. His right eye was swollen shut. Eyes filled with hate looked at the hunters and they all went to bed, not caring about what just happened. Enoch just slumped and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Enoch was waking up to a bucket of cold water being thrown on him. He gasped and looks at the man. The one who punched his face the night before standing over him. All of them ready to go as two brought him to his feet and tied him to the cart. It was time to go as Enoch had to walk.

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