Chapter Four: Powers

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Twelve years have passed since my parents have died. The war on the humans have continued for three more years until we defeated them. Now I am fifteen years old with a nation still in need of their king, but that won't happen until I'm eighteen. Which is soon but I still don't have my powers or my mate yet. Although, most kings don't find the one they love until they are in their twenties. This means I could focus on that later. General Azriel has raised me as his own son and have taken care of maintaining peace in the kingdom. Chariot also helped raise me too. She was like a mother to me after what happened that night.

Walking through the castle halls, I have been feeling a bit off lately and wasn't really sure what it was. When vampires turn eighteen, they get their full powers which signals that a vampire is becoming an adult. I didn't know since I have been focusing on my other training with a sword and how to lead my people. This question will have to be asked to Azriel when I get to the training grounds.

Upon reaching the training grounds, the other vampires were there talking to each other since it wasn't time just yet for us to get started on today's lesson. I still felt off about myself and didn't let the others know. My birthday was in a few days and I didn't want to bother anyone. Azriel came out ten minutes later to start the training for today.

"Alright men listen up. I know the war ended three years ago, but their are humans out there who are still resisting our power over them. Which means we continue our training as planned in case something happens and we have to step in" Everyone here looked at each other, knowing that the humans were the cause of this war and their were strong feelings against them that is still present. I just happen to be one who hated them for killing my parents.

We get started on our training right away. During this time, I was trying not to show I wasn't feeling to well. My partner swung his sword towards me, as I blocked, my sword flew out of my hands and on to the ground.

"Enoch!! I trained you better than this!!" Azriel barked as he walked over.

"Sorry sir, won't happen again" After picking up my sword, Azriel gripped my shoulder.

"What's wrong with you son? Are you distracted by something today?" He asked.

That's when my body showed him that I was feeling well and I stumbled to my knees.

"Shit! Cmon Enoch, I need to get you inside. The rest of you continue training" He helped me up and brought me inside.

Asleep in a bed, in the medical wing of the castle. I tossed and turned with bullets of sweat on my face.

"Mom, dad" I was reliving the death of my parents and killing the rest of the hunters before coming back on my own. It was cold that night. Blood covering my mouth and hands. I was carrying my fathers sword. They're dead bodies were brought back home two days later along with guards that died with them. A big funeral was held and I became an orphan. But I was thankful that Azriel and Chariot took care of me. This meant that I owe them a thousand times over for everything they have done. I woke up panting and sweating from the dream. My eighteenth birthday was three days away and my powers are coming in. This was a sign that vampires are starting their adult phase. A nurse came over to me.

"Sire, how are you doing?" She asked me.

"I'm fine, thank you miss" She gave me a soft smile. Her silver eyes staring at me with kindness.

"You were asleep for three hours sir" Her soft voice was reassuring to me.

"Oh, well thanks for watching over me" She nods and hands me some food to eat and then went off to her other duties.

Sighs and eats my food alone. Thirty minutes pass by and I get a headache. I grunt and put a hand to my head. Laying back, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. The dream I had wasn't too good. It was dark and grim, people screaming and blood running on the ground. Some dream to have, a fucking nightmare and a weird one too. I could see myself killing people by drinking their blood. Tossed and turns as things get dark. A cemetery of the dead, a demon shows up.

"Ah, a vampire who is coming of age" He says to me.

"Who are you, why am I here?" I asked the demon.

"You're powers are coming you master. Hunters killed your parents and in return, you have gotten your revenge. Vampires and beasts won the war against the humans and now they are slaves to the kingdoms ruled by your kind"

"Yes, Azriel is a smart man and worked well with the Beasts. But why meet me in a dream?"

"To offer guidance on your powers. Dark magic and raising the dead." The demon tells me.

"If that's what my powers are gonna be, then I'll takes it." The demon smiles as a dark mist reached up to my chest.

"What is this for?"

The demon placed a hand on my forehead and my body goes into shock. My eyes turn white as he shows me the powers I will receive.

"Surrounded by the death of your parents, you will become death itself and strike fear into the hearts of humans" I gasped as a wave of shock pass through my body. Closing my eyes shut, the darkness lifts me off the ground and seeps into my eyes. Screaming from the pain as it continues for a little longer, I was let go and fell to the ground panting.

"It is finished my prince" The demon says as he bowed and took a few steps back.

I stood up and looked over myself. The veins in my body were dark. Looking into a puddle next to me, I can see my red glowing eyes and skin was a bit paler. "So will I have to figure out how to use my powers on my own?" I asked

"You already know to raise the dead my prince. The others will come naturally to you when danger is present. Though this sort of thing doesn't happen to all vampires. You're a rare one do to you're past. You do hold some demonic power which you can cause more harm and destruction over other kings and queens before you"

"What does that mean?"

"You have a stronger power that courses throughout your veins, thanks to a family bloodline. An ancestor of yours mated with a demon, therefore you have some demon blood in you"

I looked at the demon confused "That means I have some control over demons?"

"Of course you do. We must serve our vampire lord when the time is needed. We do not question our loyalty when serving your kind"

"Well, that's good to know, hopefully I don't end up in a situation where I need you so soon"

"That time will come" His image fades and disappears as I woke up. The nurse stood next to me with a rag.

"You're looking better sir" she smiled at me

"How long was I put this time?"

"A full day" she says

Looking at her surprised, she giggled at me. "No worries, I have some food ready if you are hungry" she gestured to my plate and I ate. "You are free to go after your done" she smiled and left.

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