Chapter Eleven: First Time

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Enoch woke up in the middle of the night to Star knocking softly on the bedroom door. Rubbing his eyes and getting his robe, he tiredly made his way and opens the door. Once he saw Star standing there his eyes went to her face. It looked like she was having a bad night, so he let her in.

It's been a few days since they actually spoken together. The servants let her tend to the garden by Enoch's approval of course. She had learned how to plant and take care of his garden.

"What brings you here at this time Star?" Enoch closed the door behind him after Star came in.

"I couldn't sleep."  She had a robe around her a tied.

"Is it about you falling from heaven?" He walked up behind her.

"Yes, I had a bad dream of me falling to earth. The arch angel telling me that I was a traitor to my kind after the battle in heaven. We won but someone must have placed false rumors about me" she turned and looked up to Enoch.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with this Star" Enoch place a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine Enoch"

He nods and lets her lay on his bed. She climbed onto his bed and lays down. Enoch lays on his side of the bed and pulled the covers over him. The both of them went back to sleep until morning.

Both seem to go about their day. Star stayed in the ballroom and roaming the castle while Enoch was in the throne room working. He had to deal with other's issues and it was giving him a headache this time.

   A hunter was brought into the throne by one of the guards. This caught Enoch's attention as his expression went cold once the guard brought him closer and onto his knees. His wrists were bound together and weapons were in the guards free hand.

"We found this hunter outside of the kingdom with a bounty on you, your highness" One of the guards hands the bounty to Enoch as he takes a look at it.

Star somehow managed to sneak into the throne room and watched in the dark. She was standing in a spot where she couldn't be seen by Enoch or any of the guards.

"Hmm, and who would send this bounty hunter into my kingdom to kill me?" Enoch ripped the bounty on half while talking to the hunter.

"L-lord Egan, y-your highness. He sent me to kill you alone. He didn't mention anything about you being a powerful v-vampyr" The hunter was shaking before Enoch. He was worried what will happen.

"What did you think was going to happen when my men didn't capture you? Would you be successful in your mission and be paid a handsome amount of money?" Enoch had no patience when dealing with those who stood in his way.

"I-Im sorry! Please don't hurt me. I want to get married and have kids. Please show mercy!" He was begging for his life.

Enoch walks over to the hunter and picks him up by the collar of the mans cloak. He showed his fangs and red eyes.

"Why should I let some human go for trying to kill me?" He snarled at the man.

This made the hunter fear him even more as he shook and cried. "I don't know, please let me live! I won't come back, I swear!"

The hunter was scared of Lord Enoch. But begging didn't help his case. Enoch sunk his teeth into the hunters neck and drained the man of his blood. The body hits the floor as Enoch's thirst for blood was slightly abated and the guards dragged the body away.

This sight scared Star as she quickly left the throne. Enoch noticed her leaving and followed her out.

Once Star reached her room, she closed the door behind her and was panting. She felt fear throughout her body and leans on the dresser next to the door. That was when Enoch came in and goes to her.

She backed away from him and into a wall. She had tears swelled into her eyes, ready to fall. "You- you killed that man. How could you do such a thing?"

"You know my secret now star. I told you at dinner last night that I was a vampire"

"I didn't expect you to kill anyone! Not even some man begging you to spare his life!" She was shaking a little.

He stepped closer and this made Star flinched at his movement. He rubbed her cheek as his eyes showed that he was worried about her.

"I'm sorry, but you didn't mean to see that. These hunters have been trying to kill me for some time now"

"But how could you just kill a man?" She looks up at him.

"I'm a monster Star. Don't you see at all through this man standing in front of you?" He gets closer to her.

She moved herself more into the wall behind her. Star could see something in his eyes. But wasn't entirely sure what he wanted. He got closer and kissed her neck. This made her let out a gasp of air as she grabs his arms. He continued kissing her neck which in turn made her expose more of her neck to him. Star fell into a trance from his soft kisses. Something never felt before as he wraps his arm around her waist as a hand went behind her neck.

"W-what are you doing?" She said lightly into his ear.

He ignored her question as he start nibbling on her neck. She starts his his chest lightly, but it did nothing. Star wanted him off but couldn't manage with the kissing on her neck.

Soon enough she realized that they had moved to her bed. She blinked as Enoch got close to her. He was above her now with eyes staring into her soul. Her dress crumbled up when he moved her legs over his hips. Exposing the underwear she had and and she blushed at him.

Kisses land on her lips and then to her neck once more. She let out more gasps of air as she couldn't speak or move. His hands trailed up her thighs to her exposed butt. This made Star flinch under him. He smiled and kissed her again. This made Star feel powerless under his touch as she let all of this happen.

"Someone is sensitive to my touch" Enoch smiles at her.

"Y-your crazy." Her chest was heaving from the shallow breaths.

His hand moves into her underwear as he rubbed her clit. This made Star let out a small mason escape her mouth. His warm breath hits her neck again as he moves two fingers into her. She moans louder this time as she feels his fingers sliding in and out of her. This gave Star pleasure as she shook. Moans leaving her mouth as she gripped the bed sheets under her.

He took her underwear off and moved down. She lifts her head up in curiosity until she felt him kiss her sex. She lets out another moan as her head went back. He was delighted to hear such sounds coming from such a beautiful woman. He licked into the folds of her sex until his tongue was inside her.

More moans come out as she lost control of her senses. She became wet after a few more moments. This meant that Star was reaching her climax as Enoch was licking faster. She gripped the sheets tighter, her back arched upwards as she moans his name. More licks came from him as she lets out an orgasm and it finally hits her that she let out a liquid from her body. Enoch licked it up and then lays beside her.

She was panting from the pleasure that was given to her as stared at the ceiling above. She was lost in her thoughts from what happened to her in those moments of Enoch kissing and delight he had given her. Star soon fell asleep, her body tired from the pleasure as Enoch stayed by her side.

Thanks to everyone who have read the story so far. Please comment and vote so I may continue to write more of the story.

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