Chapter Twelve: Intruders

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Enoch and Star were in bed sleeping as morning came. He woke up with his arm across her waist. The smooth skin of her stomach made him smile as he kissed her cheek before getting up to get dressed. Things were quiet for the most part of the day. Something more sinister was happening though. As Enoch was distracted by his duties, a large group of hunters were getting themselves ready to raid his castle.

  They were paid handsomely to capture the Vampire lord and brought to one of the more cold hearted human kings. King Donovan was against all things supernatural. This includes demons, vampires, witches, and etc. anyone and anything that wasn't human or Christian. He was selective on who were captured and killed. King Donovan was not a merciful man in his actions. Which is why people keep out of his way. He is able to get what he wants with one word.

   Enoch knew of his presence and work. But never really cared for the man to meet him in person. Coming after Enoch will get many people killed or worse. As Enoch could raise all of hell and start a war with the humans.

Star had left the castle for the day. She wanted to get out pretty badly. Only to get some time alone and find something to do other than walk through the castle halls. Enoch was glad that she did. This made work a bit easier to complete quickly before she came back. He wanted to surprise her again with another night of just the two of them. Another night of lust for each other.

Star took his heart already, he was gonna take her as his. He needed someone in his life to love. She was perfect for him, despite their biological differences. But that means the child wouldn't be a heartless monster like him. Only if they last long enough as a couple to get married. His mood was better when she was around. The servants definitely took notice to the change and were happy for him.

   The hunters made their way to Enoch's castle. They have set themselves up a mile out from the village so they won't be spotted. Leaders have made their orders to raid the village and castle when the sun in close to setting. This is the perfect opportunity to catch Enoch by surprise while he sleeps. The scouts will be sent early to check the place and to get any word about his whereabouts. One was already inside, disguised to be a servant for Enoch. This has been going on for three months as he gives updates for the king when needed.

The sun sets as the hunters quickly made their way into the village. Setting houses on fire as people run towards the woods to hide. Enoch was in bed already as Star was away still. Everything was quiet until the hunters reached the castle. Guards ran out to hold them off, but was quickly killed due to the hunters nature of being skilled in hunting monsters.

A guard wakes Enoch up as the castle staff gets evacuated. More guards rush past the bedroom as the sound of men fighting can be heard from the throne room.

I quickly get up and put my armor on, growling softly before heading to the throne room.

"There he is, the vampire we are looking for!!" A hunter yelled out.

Two of them throw their nets towards Enoch as the rest fight off the castle guards. Enoch was able to roll out of the way and makes it to the hunters. Killing the two who tried to catch him by slashing at their throats with his sharp nails. Blood gushed out of their necks as the bodies drop to the floor. Some of the hunters saw what happened and backed away in fear.

Enoch looked at them with his red eyes glowing in the dim lit throne room. "You think that this little plan of yours will work?!Your king is foolish for sending you here to your deaths"

Some of them gasped in fear as they stood their. The guards watched as well and backed away as Enoch approached the group of hunters, his eyes locked on them. He snarls at them, only one brave soul charged at Enoch with his sword ready. Enoch grabbed him by the neck and with his free hand was easily able to thrust his hand through the hunters chest. He gasped for air as the men just watched in fear as Enoch pulled the mans heart out and dropped his body to the floor.

"Do you see who you are dealing with now?!" He snarled at them.

All of them rushed at Enoch swinging their weapons as Enoch dodged them smoothly. One hunters mace hit Enoch's jaw and knocks him down as the rest tackles him.

Grunting to get them off, the hunters are able to get restraints on Enoch after pinning him down and gagging him. The restraints around my wrists were magic bound, which meant Enoch couldn't use magic or any of his strength to get them off. The hunters hit him in the back and pushed him out the castle. Leaving the guards and any remaining servants to hiss at them as they held up their silver cross.

  Star came back and frantically looked for Enoch. A guard let her know what happened as she sat on the floor weeping. The only thing that she could do was hope he was fine. She needed to think of how to get him back and fast. One of the servants told her to get some rest first before going off to go find Enoch. She finally did fall asleep near dawn as the higher ranked vampires came together to think of what to do.

      Hello everyone, I know this chapter was long. Sorry about that, but I wanted to keep y'all interested as best as I could. Hopefully this chapter was when your reading of course. Please leave any remarks you may have and don't forget to vote. Next chapter will be interesting and yes I'm getting to the love scenes between Enoch and star soon.

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