Rewritten Chapter 4: An Unexpected Date and Battle

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It has been a few days since All Might's test. Today was the day for Y/N to go to the movies with Nejire Hado. Y/N and Nejire were texting each other about meeting up to see the movie that had recently come out. 

"I'm on my way," he texted. 

"Alright. See ya soon!!!" Nejire responded. 

Y/N smiles and comes out of his room wearing something casual in order for his mother not to question him. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go see the movie with my friend," he told her calmly yet nervously. 

"That's great, I hope the date goes well!" she told him. 

One could see Y/N's brain short circuit. Eyes as wide as saucers. It felt that his heart jumped into his throat. He slowly turns to his mother and asks "what?" 

"Y/N, please. I'm your mother. I know you better than anyone to know that your friend is a girl," she retorted. 

"Mom... please don't make this a big deal," he begged her. 

"I won't. I'm just so happy for you!" she responded. 

"Yeah, yeah," he replied. 

With a smile All Might would be jealous of, she asks "how'd you meet her?" 

"During school," he answers blushing out of embarrassment. "Can I go now, please?"

"Yes, have fun," she told him. 

"Thanks," Y/N said before leaving for the movies. 

Izuku comes out and looks around. "Where's Y/N?" he asked. 

"On a date!!" she answered. 


Meanwhile, Y/N got to the movie theater and sees Nejire waiting. He was a bit taken aback at her once again but quickly shakes it off and runs over to her. "Hey! Nejire!" he shouted while running towards her. 

"Hey, Y/N!!" she shouted back. 

Reaching her, he says "I'm glad you came by." 

"Course I would. I did agree to come," she retorted with an adorable smile. 

"True. Let's go watch this movie," he said. 

"'Kay!" she replied. 

The two walk in and see the latest movie that came out. Nejire looks at the poster and asks "is this it?" while pointing at the movie called Horror Filled Nightmare. 

"Uuuuuh, yeah," he answered. 

"Alright," Nejire replied. 

30 minutes later, they both had their tickets and were watching the movie. Y/N hands were shaking so violently that the popcorn was flying out of the bag. Nejire tries to drink her side but a jump scare happens and she tosses it into the air. 

She decides to turn to Y/N and bury her head in his chest. He looked down at her and slightly blushed. He wrapped his arms around her and this manages to make them feel less scared and overall feel better. 

Eventually, she picks herself up and looks him in the eyes. "S-sorry," she told him. 

"It's fine," he reassured her while fixing his shirt. 

The two decide to ditch the movie and leave. Watching out of the theater, it seemed the two had run a marathon. "That movie was way scarier than I thought it was," she said.

"Me too," he replied.

"Why did you ask me to see that movie with you?" she asked him.

"Uh... I'm not sure," he lied while slightly blushing. 

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now