Chapter 21: School Festival

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Y/N wakes up to see Nejire sleeping comfortably on top of him. He takes one of his hands and places it on her head and slowly runs his fingers through her hair. Nejire opens her eyes and looks at him. 

He smiles and so does she. She picks herself up and stretches. Y/N sits up and stretches as well."You slept well?" Nejire asked him. 

"With you sleeping with me, I slept amazingly," Y/N answered 

"Aw!" Nejire said with a cute smile. "I slept amazing too by the way!" 

"That's great to hear," Y/N replied. 

Suddenly, his room door opens and Izuku comes in. "Hey, Y/N, I just need to tell you th-" he sees Y/N and Nejire. He freezes not sure what to do. 

"Hi, Izuku!" Nejire says. 

"Hey," Y/N also says to his brother. 

"I'll leave you two alone..." Izuku told them before slowly backing out of the room. 

Y/N looks at his girlfriend with a half-smile. "Well, I have to go get ready for the Beauty Pageant!" she told him while getting out of bed. "I'll see you in a few!" 

"Alright. Good luck! I know that you're gonna win this!" Y/N encouraged her. 

"Thanks. It means a lot," Nejire told with true and pure sincerity. 

She opens his sliding door and flies out. He gets out of bed and stretches his limbs even more. "Good luck," he repeated to himself before snickering. "Like she needs luck." 

He walks out of his room and sees his brother. "Izuku, what's up?" he asked him. 

"Oh, I just wanted to let you know that we are starting to set things up for what we're going to do. I didn't expect to run into you and Nejire..." he retorted. 

"It's fine. I'll make sure to get ready," Y/N reassured him. 

"Great!" Izuku replied before running off. 

A little while later, Y/N had gotten himself together and decided to check up on his girlfriend while he had the time. As he walked in, he hears someone yell "NEJIRE HADO!!!" 

He recognized the voice and cringed upon hearing it. Now in view, he sees Nejire walking over to Kendo. "This will be fun! Won't it?" Nejire asked her. 

"I agree. I'm looking forwa-" 

"Oh, bless you hearts," a girl said. 

Y/N looks over and sees the girl who has won the Beauty Pageant repeatedly throughout her time in UA. 

"What is the utter living flipping hell is that thing?" Y/N asked

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"What is the utter living flipping hell is that thing?" Y/N asked. 

"Huh?" Everyone said while turning to him. 

"Y/N!" Nejire said before running over to him. "That's the girl who I mention that beats me every year!" 

"People think that thing is more beautiful than you?!" Y/N asked out loud. 

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now