Chapter 8: The Hero Killer

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It's been a while since the sports festival. But your mother couldn't stop talking about how you won.

She was like a broken record. While you were glad that your mom was proud of you, you still got a little annoyed at it.

One day, you wake up and get ready for school. After getting dressed and brushing your teeth, walk out into the living room.

"There's the U.A. sports festival winner!" Your mother said.

"Mom please, " you said back. "I know that I won and I know that you're proud of me, but please can you dial it back a bit."

"Yeah, of course, " she told you. "I just still can't get over the fact that you won."

"Me either, " Izuku said.

"Hey bro, " you said.

"I also can't get over the fact that you have a quirk, " Inko told Izuku.

"Yeah... It was a surprise to me too, " Izuku replied.

You sigh at him trying to lie. "Come on Izuku, let's go, " you told him.

"Alright, " Izuku replied while following you out of the house.

"Have a great day you two!" Inko told both of you.

"We will, " you and your brother said back.

It was raining, so you and he try to get to school as fast as you possibly can. "Damn rain, " you thought.

"Hey!" A random person said. "That's the kid who won the sports festival!"

Multiple other people recognize you as you just try to get to school. "Damn," you thought. "After the sports festival and everyone is treating me like a pro hero."

Eventually, you and Izuku get inside. While shaking the rain off, Iida runs in.

"Iida, " you said. "You're back!"

"Of course, " he replied. "I'm sorry for worrying you two with my disappearance during the sports festival."

"It's fine, " Izuku told him. "As long as your back, it's all ok."

You, Izuku, and Iida walk toward class. While you three do, a hand grabs you.

You look over and see Nejire. "Hey winner, " she said.

"Nejire!" You said excitedly.

You turn to Izuku and Iida and tell him "I'll meet up with you guys later."

"Gotcha, " Izuku replied.

You turn back to your girlfriend. "How've you been?" She asked.

"I've been great, " you told her. "But everyone has been treating me like I'm an alien that just landed on earth."

"Can you blame 'em?" She asked. "You managed to defeat Shoto Todoroki and that angry explosive kid."

"True, " you replied. "But it thanks to you, Izuku, and my mother that I pushed through and won."

Nejire gives a bright smile. "Thanks, " she replied. "I wouldn't want anyone else as a boyfriend."

You and her share a quick kiss. "I gotta head to class, " you told her. "See ya."

"See ya, " she said as you ran to class.

You managed to get to class before the bell rings. "Yes! I made it!" You said.

"For once in your life, " Aizawa said as he walked in.

"Mr. Aizawa, " you said. "You're out of the bandages."

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now