Chapter 1: Meeting The School

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Today was a special day. You wake up and do your ordinary routine in the morning.

You brush your teeth and out on your junior high school uniform. Cracking your neck, you went into the living room.

"There he is!" Inko said.

"Morning mom, " you said back.

You look around the house and notice something different. "Hey, where's Izuku?" You asked her.

"He went to do some early morning work out, " your mother told you.

"Man, " you said. "He's really dedicated to working out."

"Yes, he is, " Inko said she grabbed a paper bag. "I made both you and Izuku lunch."

"Thanks, mom, " you replied as you grab the paper bags.

Inko places her hand on your shoulder and looks you in the eyes. "I'm so proud of you and your brother. Even if you don't get in, just know that you're still brave for trying to get in, " she told you.

"I know mom, " you replied. "And don't worry, we'll get in that's a promise."

You let out a sigh and look at the clock. "I gotta go!" You told her.

"Good luck!!" Inko shouted as you ran out of the house.

Quickly, you ran as fast as you possibly could to U.A. and stood in front of the huge school.

Letting out a huge breath, you walk in with anybody else. Once inside the school, you walk around trying to find where you're supposed to go.

Your piece of paper that's supposed to help you, wasn't much help. Getting annoyed, you try to find someone to help you.

Eventually, you find some in the U.A. uniform with long periwinkle hair reaching her knees.

Walking up to this student, you tap them on the shoulder while asking "excuse, but can you help me?"

The student turns around and reveals themselves to be the most beautiful girl that you have ever seen.

"Whatcha need?" She asked now facing you.

With a blush, you tell her "uh, well, I'm looking for the entrance exam area."

"Wow, you're going to try to get into U.A.?" She asked excitedly.

"Well, yea-"

"That's so awesome! Not many people have the guts to even try to get in, " she told you. "It's really really really awesome that you're trying!"

"I can't try if I can't find the entrance exam, " you explained.

She grabs you and turns you around. "It's right over there!" Nejire told you while pointing.

"Thanks, " you replied. "I'm Y/N Midoriya by the way."

"I'm Nejire Hado, " she told you.

"Nice to meet, " you said.

"Same, " she replied with a smile. "Hope you get in!"

She walks away while you stand there in disbelief that you actually talked to a girl.

But you quickly snap out of it and make your way to the entrance exam. Once there, you see your brother.

"Izuku!" You shouted.

He turns around and shouts back     "Y/N!"

You run up to him and say "I'm already liking this school."

"Me too, " he replied. "I just talked to a girl earlier."

"Same!" You replied.

With smiles on your faces, you two walk into the entrance exam. Taking your seat, you wait for an announcement.

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now