Chapter 9: The Midterm

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Today is the final day of the internship. You were packing your stuff as Shoto walked into the room.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"I just wanted to say... Thanks, " he told you.

"Huh?" You responded. "For what?"

"For being here, " he answered. "You actually made this internship bearable."

"Oh, you're welcome then, " you replied.

You finally had everything you needed in your suitcase. "Well, see ya," you said while walking away.

"See ya, " he said.

You two shake hands right before you leave. After you were gone, Endeavor walks in and asks "where's Y/N?"

"He left, " Shoto told him.

"Really?" Endeavor asked. "Interesting."

You were walking back to the train station in order to head home. "Stupid chief of police, " you said before getting a phone call.

Pulling your phone out, you see that it's Nejire. Answering, you say "hey."

"Hey!" Nejire responded. "How was the internship?"

"Good, actually, " you answered. "I'm on my way to the train station."

"That's great, I'm glad that you're becoming a better hero, " she told you.

"Yeah... It is..." You responded.

"Is something wrong?" Nejire asked.

"Yeah, there's actually is, " you admitted.

"Tell me, " your girlfriend said. "I'll listen."

"It's about the chief of police, " you told her. "After my encounter with the Hero Killer, he told me that I did the wrong thing."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I fought the Hero Killer, me and Izuku, not Endeavor! But the reason why I can't tell anybody is that I, quote, 'don't have the authority to hurt that villain', " you told her.

"Oh, Y/N, " she responded.

"It just pisses me off because he's basically telling me that I did the wrong thing and that I should of let that hero and my friend die!!" You told her.

"Y/N, please calm down, " she said.

You let out a sigh and calm down. "Sorry, I just needed to vent, " you told her.

"It's ok, " she replied. "And don't worry, one day you'll be a hero and you will have the authority to hurt villains."

"Thanks, Nejire, you always know what to say in order to reassure me, " you told her.

"You're welcome, " Nejire replied. "And also, when I become a hero, I can take you as my sidekick."

"Yeah, you are graduating before me, so that could work, " you replied. "And when I become a hero, we can become partners."

"I would love that, " she replied.

You finally got to the train station. "I gotta go, talk to you later, " you told her.

"Alright, see ya, " she replied.

"Also, please don't tell anybody what I told you, " you said to her.

"I won't, " she reassured you. "I promise."

"Thank you, " you said. "I l-l-l-miss you."

"I miss you too, " she replied.

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