Chapter 17: Getting Ready

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Two criminals with Gigantification quirks battle. You and your girlfriend stand on top of a nearby building.

"Ready Nejire?" You asked her.

"Of course, " she answered with a smile.

You launch yourself into the air with your fire breath. Nejire flies right next to you and points her hands at the villains fighting.

"Dragons Breath!!!"

"Gring Wave!!!"

You and your girlfriend combined your ultimate moves together and took down the villains.

"Now! Floppy and Uravity!!!" You shouted.

The two girls go onto use Meteor Fafrotskies and knocked the two villains out cold.

You land right next to the girls. "Nice!" Nejire shouted. "You all did such a great job!!"

You chuckle at your girlfriend saying this to all of you. "Nejire's right, " Ryukyu said. "You all did a great job."

"Ryukyu! Ryukyu!" Nejire said. "Would you believe that they haven't battle any villains before?! Would you believe that?!"

"Yes, of course, " she replied.

You sigh knowing that you've faced the Hero Killer. "Is something wrong?" Tsu asked you.

"No, " you answered. "I'm fine."

Ryukyu steps up and says "you all show get talent and potential. I think all of you would be great for a certain case."

"Case?" You and Uraraka questioned.

"All Might former sidekick, Nighteye has requested for help, " Ryukyu explained.

"Huh?!" The four of you replied.

The Next Day...

You walk into class as you hear Kaminari shout "Kirishima, you jerk!!"

He shoves his phone in Kirishima's face showing him the news as of last night.

You smile and think "good for Kirishima."

After that, Ashido shouts "Tsuyu! Uraraka! Y/N! Look, your names are also on the hero news."

You look at it and think "finally, getting recognized instead of being told I did something wrong."

"I love it!" Ashido announced. "I get y'all got a bunch of fans like Mt. Lady!!"

Iida steps up and says "while we are getting recognized as heroes, we must remember that we're students! Academies must come first!!"

"You're such a buzzkill, " you said while sitting back in your seat.

"As the class rep, you should be the one yelling everyone this!" Iida told you.

"As the class rep, I'm about to shove my foot so far up your ass that you'll be able to taste my shoelaces, " you replied.

"Huh?!" Iida responded. "You would threaten me?! You're classmate!!"

"Yes, now leave me alone, " you replied.

A Few Days Later...

You come out of your dorm room and see Kirishima, your brother, Tsu, and Uraraka walking out as well.

"Hey!" Kirishima said. "You're going to your job today as well?! What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, it's my first day back in a while and they said that I don't need my costume, " Izuku replied.

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now