Chapter 13: New Life

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Today was the day that you and your brother leave home and go to the dorm rooms.

You had everything that you wanted to bring packed. You walk out of your room and see your mother at the dinner table.

"Mom?" You said.

Your mother turns to you. "Y/N, " she said.

"Mom, " you said while walking toward her.

You and her hug. With some tears in her eyes, she tells you "please be careful Y/N."

"I will, " you replied.

You let go of her as Izuku comes out. "Guys?" He said.

"Izuku!" She said while running towards him.

Your mother jumps into your brother's arms. "Promise me that you'll be careful, " she said.

Izuku smiles. "We will mom, " he told her.

"Good, " she said while letting go of him.

With a smile on your face, you tell your brother "come on, let's go."

"Right, " he replied. "Don't wanna be late!"

You and Izuku head out the door. "Have a great time!!!" Your mother told both of you.

"We will, " you two replied.

You and your brother begin your walk to U.A. to begin your new life's there. "What do you think it's gonna be like living at the dorm rooms?" Izuku asked.

"I don't know, " you replied. "Haven't seen it yet."

"True, " Izuku said in response. "But I bet that you're happy to be closer to your girlfriend."

"I didn't even think about that!" You replied. "And I bet that you're happy to be closer to your girlfriend too right?"

Izuku immediately blushes in response. "Y/N!" He said. "She's not my girlfriend."

"Yeah, " you replied. "'Cause you don't got the guts to ask her out."

"I will one day!" Izuku told you.

"And I'll start creating water balls, " you replied.

A Few Minutes Later...

Your entire class stands in front of Aizawa. All of them stare in awe at the dorm rooms.

"Alright, you guys, welcome to the dorm rooms, " he said.

"So cool!"

Aizawa faces all you guys and says Aizawa tells them "Todoroki, the Midoriya's, Iida, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu. You all went on your own and acted on your own. And some of you encourage it. If it was up to me, I would expel every one of you, but since All Might has retired, I'm not gonna do that."

You look at him kind of shocked. Aizawa continues with "you guys need to follow every rule in the book! Understand?"

"Yes sir!" You all replied.

You wanted to say no, but you already knew how that would end up playing out.

"Good, " Aizawa said. "Now come inside."

All of you follow Aizawa into the dorm. Your classmates, along with yourself look around in amazement.

"This is amazing!!!"

While all of you were looking around seeing what the dorm was like, Mineta decides to focus on something different.

"Wait..." He said. "Does this mean that the girl and boys bathrooms connect?!"

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