Chapter 19: Slow Down

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It's been one day since raiding the compound. You walk into the hospital while cracking your neck.

"Damn, my body still hurts, " you said.

Walking down a hall, you see Aizawa. "Midoriya, you're here, " he stated.

"Yeah, I came to check up on Mirio and my brother, " you told him.

"Well, Mirio is gonna stay here for one more day, your brother is being set free, " he told you.

"Gotcha, " you said while walking away.

You continue to walk down the hall and see Mirio's room. Opening the door, you say "hey, Mirio-"

 Opening the door, you say "hey, Mirio-"

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"Hey, you!" He replied.

"You're feeling better..." You said a little bewildered.

"Yup! And it sucks that the hospital is keeping me here! I mean, look at me! I'm bursting with energy!!!"

"I see that, but you might want to relax a little, " you told him.

"You're right, " he replied now relaxing.

You walk up to him. "It's good that you're able to smile though."

"Of course, that's what Nighteye wants me to! And I'm not gonna stop!"

"Well, I'm glad that you feel better and I hope that one day that you get your quirk back."

"Thanks, buddy, and I know I will if Eri ever learns how to control her quirk."

You turn around and begin to leave the room. "Well, good luck Lemillion."

You walk out and further down the hall. "Y/N?" You heard your brother's voice.

"Hey, Izuku, " you said while turning to him. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I am, " he answered.

"I'm glad to hear that, " you said while walking to him.

Your brother looks down at the floor with a saddened look on his face. "Are you sure that you're okay?" You asked him.

"It's just... Everything that has happened recently, " he told you. "It's just-"

You place your hand on his shoulder. "Izuku, " you said. "You did a great job whether you want to knowledge it or not. I was proud of you when you were out there fighting Overhaul. You're gonna become a great hero one day, I know."

Your brother smiles. "Thanks, Y/N."

"You're welcome... Deku, " you told him while walking away.

You crack a few of your bones as you walk out of the hospital. "With all of the debriefing and paperwork, it's gonna be night by the time we all get back to our dorms, " you said.

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now