Chapter 12: Family Issues

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It has been two days since All Might fought All For One. You lay in your bed not moving an inch.

You've been like this for the past two days. You just couldn't get over the fact that you were helpless.

The words Nejire told you echoed through your head. "While you may be strong, you're not the strongest."

You roll over as you hear your phone vibrate. You reach out and grab it. "U up?" You read a text from Nejire.

Slowly, you text back "yeah."

"R u ok?" She asked.

"Kinda I guess, " you replied.

"Can u meet me at the ice cream shop?" Your girlfriend asked.

"Sure, " you answered. "When?"

"Now is good, " she told you.

"I'll be there soon, " you replied.

"K, " she responded.

You put your phone down and sit up. You let out a big sigh and get out of bed.

Cracking your neck, you walk towards your closest. You put on a white t-shirt, black shorts, socks, and a simple pair of shoes.

You walk out of your room with your phone in a pocket. "Hey, mom, is it ok if I go to the ice cream shop with Nejire?" You asked her.

"Uh, sure, " she answered.

"Thanks, " you replied while walking away.

You walk to the door as your whole family hears knocking. "I got it, " you told them.

Once you open the door, you say "All Might?!" Shocked.

"Hey, Y/N, " he said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, " you answered.

"Going somewhere?" He asked while walking in.

"Yeah, " you answered.

"Do you mind staying for a bit?" He asked you.

"Sure, " you answered while closing the door.

You take out your phone and text Nejire "I'm gonna be running a little late."

"K, " she replied.

Izuku and Inko freeze up seeing All Might in the house. "Keep it, cool mom, " Izuku told her.

"I'll try, " Inko replied.

All of you sit at the dinner table. "So, All Might, " you said. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?"

"I came to talk to your mother about the newly installed dorm rooms, " he answered.

"Dorm rooms?!" Your whole family including you asked.

"Yeah, " he answered. "U.A. feels that this is the best idea for the students."

You and Izuku go quiet and wait to hear your mother respond. "They feel that way huh?" She asked.

"Yeah, " All Might answered once again. "Your kids are really strong and it would be great if you accept this."

You smile, confident that your mother would agree to let you and Izuku stay at the dorm rooms.

"I'm sorry, but the answer is no, " she told All Might.

"WHAT?!" You asked while jumping out of your seat.

"Y/N, please calm down, " she said.

You ignore what she said and asks "why would you say no?!"

"Because I'm your mother!!" She answered. "It's my job to keep you two safe."

**COMPLETE**The Wavy Girlfriend (Nejire Hado x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now