Rewritten Chapter 1: Meeting The School

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Today was a special day for the young man sleeping in his bed. Y/N Midoriya. The 15 year old opens his eyes and sat up in his bed. He turns his head to the right, CRACK. He turns his head to the left, CRACK. 

Once that was done, Y/N gets out of his bed, gets dressed, brush his teeth, and walk into the living. "There he is!" His mother said. 

"Hey, mom," Y/N responded before looking around the house. "Hey, where's Izuku?"

"He left early to do some last minute working out," she told him. 

Y/N chuckles. "Of course he would. Well, at least I know that I have someone who will continue to get stronger and hopefully challenge me."

"I'm glad you think that way!" Inko replied before handing him a paper bags. "I've made you and Izuku lunch by the way."

"Thanks," he said while grabbing the bags. 

Y/N was ready to hit out and take the UA entrance exam, but his mother placed a hand on his shoulder. She looks him into the eyes and tells her son  "I just want you to know that I'm proud of you. Even if you don't get in, just know that you're still brave to try. So many don't even try because of self doubt. But you and your brother aren't letting any of that stop you"

"I know mom," he retorted. "And we'll get in. Don't worry."

"I hope you do!" She said. 

Y/N looks at the clock and tells her "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later mom."

"Good luck!!" She shouted as her son ran out of the house. 

Y/N ran as fast as he could to the school. He felt his blood wanting nothing more than to take the exam. On the other hand, part of it didn't want to take the exam. But he ignored that feeling and continue with his run. 

Once he was in front of the large school, he let out a little bit of his fire breath. His heart was beating fast out of nervousness and excitement. This was one step he would have to take to become a hero. 

Y/N walked inside and began looking for where he was supposed to go. It wasn't that easy since the piece of paper was no help at all. He searched the nearby area to find someone who could help him. 

Doing so, his eyes fell upon someone in the UA uniform with long periwinkle hair reaching her knees. He figured that she was his best shot, so the teenager walked over to the student and tapped their shoulder. 

"Excuse me, but can you help me?" Y/N questioned.

The student turns around and reveals them to be the most beautiful that Y/N has ever seen in his entire life. "Whatcha need?" She asked.

With a blush spreading across his face, Y/N explained "uh, well, I'm looking for the entrance exam area."

"Wow, you're trying to get into UA?!" She asked excitedly. 

"Well, yea-"

"That's so awesome! Not many people have the guts to even try to get in," she told him. "It's really really really awesome that you're trying!"

"I can't try if I can't find the entrance exam," he explained. 

The hyperactive girl grabbed the boy and spun him around. "It's right over there!" She told him while pointing. 

"Uh, thanks," Y/N replied. 

"No problem!" She responded. 

"I'm Y/N Midoriya by the way," Y/N told her. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nejire Hado," she retorted. 

"Well, I'm, uh, going to take the exam now."

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