Chapter 7: Battle Time

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You and Izuku leave the stadium. While everyone went to lunch, you and your brother were in a tunnel alone.

Izuku stares at you nervously. "Wh-why did you bring me here?" He asked.

You look him in the eyes. "Izuku, the power I felt coming from you... Felt like All Mights, " you told him.

"It did?" He tried to lie.

"Don't play dumb brother, " you told him. "I know that you didn't suddenly get your quirk when you were in danger."

Izuku now begins to sweat. "Wh-what do you mean?" He asked.

"Izuku, be honest with me, " you told him. "Your power feels the same as All Mights and you've been spending time with him. Did All Might give you his quirk?"

Izuku thought about telling you about One for All. "If I tell him about it, All Might won't be happy, but if I lie to him, he won't be happy, " he thought.

Izuku sighs. "Yes..." He answered.

"So, you have All Mights power?" You asked.

"I do, " he replied with his head down.

"Why did you tell me this?!" You asked him.

"Because All Might told me not to tell anyone!!" He answered.

You stop and look at him in shock. Izuku goes on to tell you "the only reason why I'm telling you this is because you're my brother and found it all out by yourself."

"I understand, " you replied.

"You do?" Izuku asked surprised.

"Yeah, " you answered. "Your secret is safe with me."

You walk away from your brother. "Thank you!!" He told you.

"Don't thank me yet, " you replied. "I got a lot more questions for you and All Might."

A Few Minutes Later...

All of the students stand in front of Midnight. "Alright students! Since the Cavalry battle is over, it's time for the one on one battles!!" She announced.

Before Midnight could continue, Ojiro steps up and tells her "excuse me, I would like to withdraw from the battle tournament."

"What?!" You said out loud.

"Why Ojiro?" Izuku asked him.

"Because I don't feel like I earned it, " he explained. "I don't remember much from when the cavalry battle began to when it ended."

"Come on Ojiro, " Ashido said. "I didn't do much, but I plan on showing that I belong here."

"You don't get it, " Ojiro replied. "It's about my pride here!"

You facepalm hearing this from him. "Seriously?" You said.

Another student walks up and tells Midnight "I think I want to withdraw as well."

You slam your head on your hands. Midnight smiles and tells them "while I do find your requests extreme naive, I must say that it turns me on!"

Lifting your head up, you ask "did she just say that it turns her on?!"

Midnight continues on with "your requests are accepted. But now we need two students to add to the battle tournament."

Kendo steps up and tells her "you should pick Tetsutetsu team."

"Huh?! Kendo?!" Tetsutetsu said.

She turns to him with a smile. "You should get it. Your team fought to the end while mine was stuck for most of the match."

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