Chapter 1: Childhood Memories

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I was watching TV. Father never watched it with me, but Mother would. Sometimes Tomura would join too but every now and then, he'd ruin the fun.

"You really watch this stuff?" He would say. He was more into horror stuff. Me, being only 5 years old, would cry when he would force me to watch it with him. The hero always died.

"Mommy look!" I was pointing at the TV with my eyes huge. I was playing an old video of my favorite hero, All Might. He had saved over a hundred people and it hadn't even been 10 minutes. He was amazing. I wanted to be just like him, maybe even better. Father promised I would be. As long as I did what I was told and was a good kid. So I never caused trouble. I wish the same thing could be said about Tomura. I remember I had been in the play room playing with Tomura. Well, actually I was playing by myself with Tomura in the room. He was busy playing video games while I was playing with my action figures.

I was making sound effects with my mouth to tune out Tomura's game. He was playing a horror game where he gets to kill a lot of superheroes. The game made it look like the heroes were the villains. With scary faces and long boney fingers. I didn't want to see it but I couldn't play anywhere else in the house.

I had All Might in my hand and was making him fly around in the air. I even tried to copy his laugh. Mother says I have been getting better at copying it. I made him land on the back of Tomura's hand while he was waiting for his game to load. He grabbed All Might with all 5 fingers and turned him to dust.

"Mommy!" I called. I had tears in my eyes while I was looking at the pile of dust that used to be my favorite toy. Tomura turned back to his game which had finished loading while Mother rushed in the room.

"What is it, my dear?" Mother looked at me worried.

"Tomura turned All Might to dust. He killed him." I said in between cries. I pointed to the pile next to Tomura's mouse while wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Tomura, haven't I told you not to do that?" Mother paused Tomura's game and spun him around to look at her. "Apologize."

"Well aren't I supposed to destroy anything that annoys me? That's what Master said." Tomura said.

"Yeah, and Master also said to respect your brother. That also includes his possessions." Mother patted Tomura's head while he sulked in his chair. She then took my hand and pulled me out of the room.

"Go to your room and get ready to leave."


"We're getting you a new All Might. Where did I buy that one?" She got lost in her thoughts so I walked to my room. Both to not disrupt her and to quickly leave. The sooner we leave the sooner I get to getting a new All Might action figure.

I loved going outside. The nature, the people, it was fantastic. I also liked going outside since I got to sometimes be present for villain attacks. Mother always tried to sheild me away from them but I would always peak in between her knees or through her fingers or wherever I found an opening. There was a time Mother took me and Tomura to the store and on the way, me and Tomura got to see a villain attack. The villain held me hostage. That's when I got to see Mother's quirk in action. She snuck up behind him, touched his vein, and made him see his biggest fear. He didn't let go of me, but it was cool watching Mother try to protect me. Tomura was watching trying not to jump into action. Mother and Father strictly told him not to make himself noticeable to people. While I was trying to avoid the sharp blade near my neck as much as I could, I noticed Tomura was really worried about me. Soon some hero saved me and gave me a lollipop. That was her quirk or something. She could create candy from thin air.

Mother bought me the same All Might toy Tomura decayed and me and her were headed back home until I bumped into a boy. He was around my age and had crazy green hair. He had freckles too.

"Sorry!" He said. I don't know why he apologized to me. I bumped into him.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I said. "Is that the new All Might action figure?!" I pointed at what he had in his hand.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He said.

"I just bought it." I pointed to the bag in Mother's hand.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He said.

"I'm Ayatsuru Shigaraki." I said. We shook hands. I turned to Mother and begged her to get Izuku's mom's phone number. She did and every now and then Mother or Mrs. Midoriya would call each other when there would be a special event. One special event was Izuku's birthday.

Mother bought some gifts for Izuku, mainly All Might things. Like an All Might shirt, some pajamas with his face on it, and some All Might toy phone only the rich could afford. I didn't really enjoy social interactions since I mainly stayed in the house. The only kid I interacted with a lot was Tomura, and though we were brothers, his tolerence for me was small.

We arrived at the party. Mother was holding the gifts while I was behind her. It was loud and I hated it. All the kids were using their quirks if they had any. I was instructed not to. Father told me that though my quirk isn't flashy or as cool as Tomura's, it's as valuable as his and I should treat it as such. Me and Mother found our way to the gift table and put the gifts down.

"Hora, that's an awful lot of gifts." Mrs. Midorya said. I was told to call her Inko but I was too much into the habit of calling people Mr. and Mrs.

"Inko, it's really nothing. Besides, Izuku is Ayatsuru's first friend. Think of these gifts as a thank you." Mother went off to talk with Mrs. Midoriya. I had been left alone at the gift table. My first thought was to hide underneath it. I was about to until Izuku called my name.

"Ayatsuru! Come over here!" I looked over to see Izuku with a few other kids over at a tree. I walked over to see what he wanted.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We were just seeing who could climb the highest." Izuku pointed to a spot on the tree. "Kaachan made it up there."

"Who's Kaachan?"

"That's me." A boy said. He had spiky blonde hair with red eyes. I'd think he looked intimidating if Mother never used her quirk on me as a punishment once. "You can call me Katsuki if you want, though."

"Oh, is this Ayatsuru?" A little boy said. I didn't look at him since I was too busy staring at the height of the tree.

"We're using our quirks." Izuku said. Katsuki made some remark about Izuku not having one. I wanted to punch him but I know I would get repercussions.

"Come on, don't be scared." Katsuki said.

"But my parents have told me not to use my quirk." I said.

"Oh, come on. Your mom's all the way over there. She won't notice. All you're doing is climbing a tree, anyway." Katsuki said.

I decided to get it over with and climbed the tree. I lifted myself up with my quirk and I floated to where Katsuki had climbed. I climbed higher. As I climbed, I heared the kids from below being in awe. I had reached the top of the tree. That's when I heard a scary sound. Mother.

"Ayatsuru! What do you think you're doing?" She stormed over to the tree. "Get down." Uh... How do I tell her I can't?

"I- I can't. I'm scared!" I yelled down. I could feel Mother growing frusterated. While I was trying to get down, I was wishing Kurogiri was around. He was very helpful when it came to getting me out of scary situations. I got down to where Katsuki had gotten to and tried my best to come down. Mother had been scolding the kids below. Telling them to think of another fun activity that didn't include someone getting stuck in a tree. I finally got fully down. I sort of wished I was back at the top since Mother couldn't reach me there. She didn't see me use my quirk so I wasn't scolded as bad as I could have been.

Izuku was opening his presents. He already opened the All Might shirt and pajamas me and Mother got him. Then he opened the All Might phone.

"Wow! Ayatsuru, you're rich!" Izuku said while staring at the phone.

"How did you afford this?" Mrs. Midoriya asked Mother.

"Oh, my family is pretty wealthy and so is my husband. Feel free to ask for anything." Mother said. "That goes for everyone here." Mother was way too kind. Sometimes I'd wonder how she got to be with Father.

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