Chapter 61: Convicts

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I walked down the stairs and saw Mother and Eiba staring at the TV. Eri was playing with stuffed animals in Eiba's arms but I could tell she was nervous as much as them.

"Why do you all look like that?" I asked while ruffling my hair and yawning after.

"It's Tomura. He created a great jailbreak." Eiba turned her head to me.

"All For One's free..." Mother said while staring at the ground. She looked terrified. It was an unfamiliar face to me.

"He's... What?" I stared at them in disbelief. I stared at the TV while the reporter was giving more information. It wasn't just Tartarus. It was more. A lot more. I cursed under my breath and rushed to the basement door.

I was running as fast as I could to Kazu. The stairs were quite the workout. I ran past halls and doors until I reached his room. I burst into the doorway.

"We need to go. Now. Everyone's in danger." Kazu stood up as if he understood why I was there before I even told him. Like he was in the middle of processing the information.

We flew over buildings and streets. Curses were thrown at me. What did I even do?

"How can I help?" I landed in front of two familiar faces. They were at the licensing exam.

"The people inside are refusing to come out." The turtle girl said. "They don't trust us."

"Well I cou-" I started before Kazu spoke.

"Danger is close. If the civilians stay any longer, there will be no survivors. Same with you three." He said. I could tell Shindo and Nakagame were surprised at Kazu. I smirked at him.

"Fun." I said. Nakagame got a call from someone.

"You two need to get out of there now! Itejiro confirmed it with his naked eyes! There's a villain headed right for your direction! It's too late for you guys there! Run immediately!" After the speaker was done, an escapee crashed into a building.

"Hey guys, let's have some fun." Kazu stepped in front of me and Grand and Turtleneck.

"Do not move until he does." He warned.

"Is it just the two of you? What a shame! Don't you have any more friends?" He saw me and his eyes widened. "So you're mini Shigaraki. Ha!"

Who the hell was this guy? How did he know me?!

"Tatami! Send an alert to sensei requesting for backup!" Grand said. "Civilian's lives are at risk!"

"What about you, Yo?!" Turtleneck responded.

"I'll knock this guy down!" Grand said with determination and walked in front of Kazu.

"You'll need help." I said and stood beside him.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's see you two try!" The villain said and lunged for Grand. He completely passed me and grabbed him. I almost went to save him until Kazu put his arm in front of me.

"Refrain from hurting the hero." He said.

"Psh, as if I'd hurt him." I said and climbed on his arm and jumped off it onto the villain's back.

"Ayatsuru, get off!" Grand yelled.

"Why?" Then I felt mass vibrations. Wasn't it Grand's quirk or was this guy losing his control of his muscles?

"Gotta add more layers, then." The villain said. What the hell is this guy's body normally? "Time for a blood bath!"

I took my hands and put them on the villain. I used Deconstruction to remove some of his layers.

"'Ayatsuru' is your name right?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well then, Ayatsuru, get off me!" He flung me far. My head hurt and my left side ached but I ignored the pain. I used Rope without thinking and used it on his muscles and veins. Forcing him off Grand and into a kneeling position. I walked towards him with what Grand described as a sinister look.

"Don't annoy the one who can kill you in three strokes, if I wanna be nice." I said.

"It'll take me only one to kill you!" The villain said.

"Your ego is as big as you. Brains over brawn, though." I put my arms in a shrug way and let go of him. Right as I did so, he stood and some fast figure appeared. Then a familiar and annoying voice spoke.

"Muscular, no wonder my Danger Sense was going haywire." I turned around and saw Izuku holding Grand. I clenched my jaw while making an unsatisfied face with my mouth open.

"What a spotlight stealer. I had this under control." I said to Muscular. Muscular knew Izuku. How? Izuku seemed to hit a nerve just by being there. More than me, Grand or Turtleneck. I looked back between Muscular and Izuku before smirking. "Maybe this'll be better than I think. I should really be saving civilians right now but Kazu's gone so I assume he's doing that. Where'd Grand go?"

Grand was with Turtleneck. I went to her and used Deconstruction to heal Grand.

Backup came and saw a cloud of smoke but before they could identify it as Izuku, he ran away. The smoke revealed Muscular tied up. Izuku wasn't hit as many times as I hoped he did.


It felt like everyday I had to fight escaped convicts. Sometimes I didn't need to bring Kazu, and sometimes I did. Eiba was as tired as me.

"All this fighting! Tomura and AFO really want Hell don't they?!" Eiba plopped onto the couch with her chest quickly going up and down. "I'm exhausted!"

"You don't have to fight all of them. That's why there's a lot of heroes in the world." Eri smiled at Eiba. Eiba sighed.

"'Cause of all the escapees, and the hatred towards heroes after Tomura and Dabi's stunt, some heroes don't even wanna fight anymore. Some even retired. There are very few heroes who will fix this mess." Eiba lifted her head off the back of the couch and looked down. "And it's... Really hard to be one of them."

"Especially when you're All Might's kid. And for me, also Tomura's brother. If I don't want to be labelled as weak or a villain, I have to show strength."

"But Dad vanished and everyone hates us and Mother is constantly in a state of worry alongside fighting. Ayatsuru, I'm sorry but this is so hard! Sometimes I wonder why I even decided to become a hero!" Eiba started sobbing with her hands over her eyes.

"At least you chose. I was forced into it. I only chose between options given to me." I put my head down. I looked at Eri and smiled. "It's getting late. You should sleep."

I held Eri's hand as I led her down the hall to her room. Eiba's sobs deafening behind us. As I walked out of her room, I got a text from an unknown number. All it said was 'Yatsi.'

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