Chapter 49: Dabi and Eiba

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Eiba's POV:

I felt groggy. As if I had been knocked out prior.

"Toya?" I groaned.

"Oh, you're up." A man with burns all over his face and body walked towards me. The sight woke me up.

"Get away from me!" I tried to push myself back but I was tied to a chair which seemed to be heavy or nailed since no matter how hard I pushed, I didn't move.

"By the way, it's Dabi now." The burned man said.

"T-Toya?!" I looked at him in shock. What happened since the last time we saw each other?

"Eiba." He smiled as he grazed my cheek with his finger. I flinched when he did so. "What's wrong? I won't hurt you... Yet."


"Dabi." He glared.

"'Dabi,' what is this? Where am I?!" I yelled.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist the urge. You, in Japan, so close to me yet so far away. I didn't mean to scare him. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Dabi said while holding a flame with his finger.

"You could've just met with me humanely. Kidnapping is a little extreme." I said. "And there was no need to burn those innocent people or threaten Ayatsusu's life."

"Please, it'll take a lot to threaten Ayatsuru. Also, what's the fun in meeting with you when I can make a scene?" I looked at him unamused.

"So you must be Eiba." I froze. The voice was chilling. When the owner came all the way around to the front of me, the sight of him was even more chilling. White hair, scars, or was it dried skin, all over him and his face. His eyes revealed how dangerous he could be.

"And... Who are you?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Tch, daughter of the woman who raised me, sister of my brother, new hero who everyone loves and relies on and yet you don't know who I am?" He asked a little ticked off. The realization finally kicked in.

"You're... Tomura Shigaraki..." I let out.

"Finally. I just wanted to see you up close. You have your father's pride. It's annoying." He said and stood back while Dabi walked towards me again.

"You've gotten prettier. I didn't even know if that was possible." Dabi said.

"And you got uglier. Those patches don't do you justice." I glared. This wasn't the Toya I knew. He chuckled at my comment. "What happened to Toya?"

"He died. Burned to death."

"Well, isn't that ironic? Son of Endeavor and burned to death. Ha-"

"Don't ever mention his name here or I'll kill you. Got it?" Dabi said while holding my throat tightly. I nodded and let out a small 'yes' to which he let go. "Good."

"I didn't mention his name, though. I said-" A flame just barely missed me. "Geez, fine! No speak of-"

"Enough!" He yelled.

"Haha, fine. I'll stop." I laughed. Dabi walked over to me and grabbed my arms firmly which were tied to the chair's armrests.

"I will burn you if you continue provoking me." He threatened with a low tone.

"Then do it." I whispered in his face. "Endeav-"

"Don't let her provoke you." A man with a mask and top hat said. I swore I had seen him before. Dabi stared at me as I stared back.

"Dammit!" He yelled and pushed himself off my arms.

"Am I making you mad?" I asked. I used Inner Voice and made it echo in his head.

"That won't work on me. You know that." Dabi said more calmly.

"I know." I sighed. "So... You work for the League of Villains now?"

"Paranormal Liberation Front." Dabi corrected.

"Well that's a name." I said. "Why are you with them?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Okay, then what made Toya turn into Dabi? I remember how kind and friendly you were. You were gentle. Now you're cold and choking me and threatening to burn me."

"Everyone out." Dabi said and he didn't speak until the room was just us. "People change, Eiba."

"Not that drastically. What happened? Was it after you left?"

"No. It was before. Ya know how my childhood was like."

"Yeah, I do." I put my head down.

"Well, ever since I faked my death, I've been resenting Endeavor. I was like this since then."

"Then why were you so different when you were with me?"

"Because you were like a safe place. I didn't feel like I needed to hide things from you or treat you coldly. I only hid these." He motioned to his patches. "When I mentioned things to you, I found ways of telling you how I felt without being judged." He stopped talking and looked down. "You treated me like I needed to be."

"Wait so, those jokes of wanting to kill your dad... They weren't jokes?"

"Now you're catching on." He said.

"Why did you leave then? If I was such a nonjudgemental safe place, why?"

"Because I knew you would see me differently if I were to carry out my plans and show you who I am. And I was right." Dabi said and pointed at me. "You're doing it now."

"W-well I-I..." I tried to say something to refute what he said but I couldn't say anything.

"You can't even make an excuse." Dabi said.

"... Killing him isn't worth it." I finally let out. It wasn't what I was wanting to say but it was better than silence which is what the room fell to.

"It would make me feel better." Dabi said.

"You'd be a murderer."

"I'm already a murderer." I froze. My mouth fell slightly open. He's with the League- Paranormal Liberation Front, I should expect this. I forced myself to move passed it.

"You'd be locked up forever. Even if you find a way to avoid that, you'll be on the run forever."

"I've been on the run."

"You'll lose me." I said which made him freeze. The sound of his footsteps stopped behind me.

"... I already have." He said silently.

"You're not the Toya I fell in love with." A flame hit the back of the chair.

"I'm not Toya! I never have been! The Toya you know," I felt hands on my shoulders and looked up. "Is right here."

"You've lost all respect I've ever had for you." I said.

"Good." He removed his hands and walked to my side. "No more rope holding me down."

We sat in silence. I watched him as he walked around. I was going to speak again but I felt a burning pain in my arm.

"Don't get on my nerves." He said. Flames died out from his palm. The pain was unbearable. I screamed in pain.

"Dabi, what the hell?!" I screamed.

"Just stay silent." He said while holding my throat again. This time he held it tighter than before. I was choking. I looked Dabi in the eyes and he stared back with cold ones.

"Da-... Bi-..." I let out while a single tear fell from my eyes.

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