Chapter 4: The USJ

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The next few days were boring. I've gotten closer with Kaminari. Even Katsuki. At least, I'd assume so. He doesn't threaten to blow me up or anything. I, personally, take that as a win. Although, he did say something like "Stop calling me Katsuki. It pisses me off. Call me that again, and you'll be six feet under." So, now I call him Bakugo. Sometimes I call him Katsuki just to piss him off. I know for a fact if we were to fight each other, I'd kill him. Even if I got badly beaten up, Mother, Father, and Tomura would plot a way to kill him. And they'll succeed. Either way, if he touches me, he'll be the one six feet under and I'll be the one six feet above. Giving him dead shriveled up flowers as a sign of my love.

I guess I sort of lied when I said the next few days were boring. I got to see characters in my classmates. Mineta is a little pervy idiot, Yaoyorozou is an unintentional bragger. Asui, or Tsu or whatever, is smart. Aren't frogs supposed to be dumb? I failed engineering so I don't know. Ojirou is not a monkey. I gave him a banana and he didn't go crazy or anything. Nor did he open it with his feet or with his tail. What's that thing for then? Ashido, or rather Mina, is very kind and funny. Tokoyami, I mean, he's okay but I'd rather not get swallowed by Dark Shadow.

I had been leaking information to Father and Tomura enough for them to lead an attack. The entire week I was excited. I wanted to watch as my brother scared my "friends." In fact, I couldn't stay still until the attack. Uraraka asked me frequently what was wrong with me. Why I was moving so much. I don't blame her since I probably disrupted her during class by maybe tapping my foot on her chair or something. Also it wasn't really like me to be so happy. I said I had ordered a new panda plushie online and it was arriving soon. Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku were very aware of my love for pandas since I never shut up about it. Uraraka even got me a mask with little panda faces on it.

This is it! This is the day! Tomura was talking about the exact time he'd break into UA. When my class would be in the USJ. Taught by All Might, Mr. Aizawa, and some hero called 13. I couldn't hold in my excitement but I surpressed it as much as I could. The good thing is I wasn't tapping my foot on Uraraka's chair, or tapping at all. My behavior was very nonchalant. No one was aware that inside, I was bouncing off every single wall in the room and throwing a little party.

We arrived in the USJ. God damn it. All Might wouldn't be here. I felt like calling Tomura and telling him to cancel the attack but he had built everything up this far and there was no way he could stop the plan now. Why did you have to use up all your power for the day, Dad? Oh, right. Father told me about All Might's weakness. He wasn't aware of how weak he was, but still aware he wasn't his strongest. I listened in to 13 and Mr. Aizawa's conversation and it seems he can only endure 3 hours before becoming a prune. Oh well. As long as we spread fear.

Kurogiri's warp gate appeared. There they are! The faces on my classmates and teachers were beautiful. Fear. I loved it. Kurogiri had made his way to where we were. Kirishima and Bakugo both tried to attack him. Didn't work. He then separated us all. Well, most of us. Some of us were still at the entrance. Kurogiri looked at me and I looked at him. I looked past him and saw Tomura and a Nomu. Ha. It isn't possible for anyone here to stop that thing.

Iida had been instructed to get teachers while 13 tried to fight Kurogiri. Still doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, they stand no chance. Tomura was monologuing. First, I had to hear Iida, now Tomura? They sounded like cartoon villains.

It was great watching the panic in all my classmates faces. Even though I couldn't see everyone, the faces I did see were enough. Although, I did feel bad seeing Mina's face. She looked genuinely scared. Especially since Kurogiri had badly damaged 13. It seemed everyone around me didn't know what to do. Mr. Aizawa was fighting villains left and right. I felt like draining his quirk but didn't. Soon, he had gotten to Tomura. He hit him hard and I almost jumped in to help. Then, Tomura grabbed his arm and well, you can probably guess what happened to Mr. Aizawa's arm. It decayed. Not badly, but enough to force him not to use it. Then the Nomu beat him up badly. I wanted to laugh. He acted so tough around us but look at him now. Bleeding from his face, arm badly ruined, body crushed. Not so tough now. I saw Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta watching. I was going to study their faces harder until Kurogiri appeared in front of me.

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