Chapter 2: Truth

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Me and Tomura were in the play room. I was 7 now and Tomura was 11. He'd grown more tolerant of me. Actually letting me play with him. He would even change to a game that he knew wouldn't scare me if I asked. We still fought every now and then but don't all brothers? Me and Tomura were playing Hero and Villain. I was the hero and he was the villain. My goal was to rescue the citizens he held capture. The good thing is I didn't have to worry about his quirk since Mother had gotten him special gloves. They covered up his pinkies and ring fingers. Mother and Kurogiri tested different types of gloves on him but none worked until Mother found these. It was a great moment when I hugged him and I didn't decay. Although he prefered them off, he always put them on when I asked him to play with me.

I always lost to Tomura. When playing Hero and Villain, he always overpowered me. That was until I finally beat him. I saved the citizens and Tomura let me laugh in his face about it. I was standing in All Might's signature pose while laughing like him. Then, Mother and Kurogiri walked in.

"Ayatsuru, would you mind if you and I talked outside?" Mother took my hand and me and her walked out. Kurogiri was talking with Tomura.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked. I wanted to tell her I beat Tomura but I noticed she probably wasn't in the mood.

"It's about your father." She said.

"What about him? Is he sick?" I asked her.

"No, no. Your biological father."

"Biological?" I tilted my head and tried to think about what that could mean.

"It took two to make you. One of the two left and your father now took his place. I'm talking about the one who left." Mother held two apples when saying this. She then put down one and replaced it with an orange. Then she pointed to the apple that she put on the table. I was still a little confused but with enough thinking I understood it.

"Wait so dad isn't my real dad?"


"Then who is?"

"You already are aware of him... It's All Might."

"Really?! Are you serious?! That's so cool!" I was so happy learning that news. All Might as my dad. What an amazing thought. "But wait. Why isn't he here? Why is dad in his spot?"

"Because he's a coward. Once he learned you were coming, he ran away. He went on to become a hero instead. He's a selfish coward." Mother's tone was angry. I understood why she would be. After gathering the information and my thoughts, I grew angry too.

"You mean he left me? For someone else to take care of?" My hands were balled up into fists.

"Yes. You're angry aren't you?"

"Why would I not be? I... Got abandoned... By my hero." I was angry but I felt like crying.

After that, I changed. I destroyed everything I had that was All Might. I cut contact with Izuku. I regretted it since I really liked him as a friend, but it was better for him than me. He wanted to be just like All Might and I wanted to destroy All Might. Just like I did my action figures. Rip his limbs off then crush them, his head and torso until they were flatter than paper. Then toss him in a garbage bin like he was nothing, which he now was to me.

Mother and Father raised me differently too. Instead of letting me be a kid, I trained. To the second I wake up to the second my head hits the floor. I was still given freedom but not as much as I had before. I was then told to join a school. A hero school. UA. Apparently one of Father's spies had gotten word that All Might was a teacher there. My job was to make everyone there trust me. Students, teachers, all of them. Part of my job was to leak secret information to them. Mainly things about All Might. Continue being a student and doing my job until Father doesn't need me there anymore or if I get caught. I had one more job that was the most important part of why I was there. To break All Might. I was about to decline the job and have Tomura do it instead until Father told me that bit. Then I accepted it gladly. Toshinori Yagi would regret the day he abandoned me and Mother.

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