Chapter 86: Fallen Soldier

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I tried making my way to Tomura. It was difficult since I was far away and never thought of getting back up but I achieved it somehow.

"I'll become God and rule above everyone else." Tomura said. He truly lost it.

"You'll spend those days underground in a box." I mumbled. I hide near Akira who was being a coward like usual.

"wHy DiD yOu LeAvE mE hErE wItH hIm?" Akira asked.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't on purpose." I reassured him. We were just spectating the fight.

Bakugo made his move. It's been a while since I've seen him fight. He used his new move, Cluster Bomb.

"dOn'TcHa ThInK hE's ScArY?"

"Depends on what side you're on. If you're on his right, you're fine, but if it's his left," I motioned an explosion with my hands. Akira looked back at Bakugo.

"wHaT sIdE aM i On?" He stared at him with such interest.

"Trust me, he likes you." I smiled at Akira for a bit. I looked back but it wasn't pretty. Bakugo was practically on the brink of death.

"sHoUlD wE hElP hIm?" Akira asked. His voice was full of worry.

"He's going to die out there." I muttered until I remembered Akira asked me a question. "Not yet! Tomura's strength is something neither of us possess. As much as I hate to say it, no one here has a chance at stopping him."

"whAt dO yoU meAn bY thAt?" Bomi interjected. I didn't realize she was near until now.

"I mean his raw strength is like All Might's. Every human here including myself relies on quirks. Not even mine can stop him. If I were to hold him with Telekinesis, it would be a battle between his physical strength and my mental strength. I can hold so much but this entire time my mind has been disoriented. I'd be out in seconds."

"buT we Can'T leT baKugO diE wiThoUt aN efForT. if Not You, TheN whAt aBouT us?"

"yEaH, wHaT bOmI sAiD! wE cAn Do SoMeThInG, rIgHt?"

"You can certainly try." I said and they jumped into action. Akira was ripping at Tomura's fingers faster than they could regenerate and Bomi was monitoring the area. Probably waiting for a chance to snatch Bakugo.

Tomura held him by the throat. His entire body was damaged. Izuku had to show up, right? Before it was too late?

Screw it. He wasn't going to come. Not at a good time anyway. I tried my best to muster the strength to use Telepathy. Make him calmer, confuse him, something. The Big 3 also joined in to help save Bakugo. That's when something happened. I felt it through my entire body. Every quirk I mastered was being used all at once. Telepathy, Ash, Deconstruction, Quirk Drain and Manipulation, Telekinesis, and Rope. I was in Tomura's head, disintegrating and damaging every finger on him, taking away his quirks while rendering his metamorphosis useless, vibrating his body to make him unbalanced, and holding him back as best as I could. It was taking a toll on my body. Every opening on my head was bleeding from my eyes, nose, mouth, even my ears.

... It wasn't enough. Our efforts to save him... They werent enough. I lost so much blood and my head was throbbing more than it ever did but my pain was towards him than myself. It hurt more knowing I used everything I had but it was like I never even joined the fight. I looked at Akira and Bomi. They stayed still in shock or failure, I don't know. I can't describe this feeling. It succeeds anger, even desperation. The veins in my body were hot. Like all the remaining blood was replaced with lava. But they were also cold, like I was frozen.

"Katsuki!" I screamed and ran to him. He was unresponsive. I had to do something. I could do something. I'm strong enough, aren't I?

"There's no pulse... His heart is ripped to shreds..." I put my hand on his chest. There was nothing there.

"I... I-I created life... I can save him... I-I just need to... To-to wrap him up in-..." I heard someone land behind me.

"I was too late..."

"Tomura killed him!" My eyes leaked heavily with tears.

"This time he's gone for good. Putting so much responsibility on the shoulders of a kid... You did this to him. How very disappointing, Eraser." I turned around and saw Tomura smiling. "Next up might be Yatsi..."

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