Chapter 47: Dinner

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I walked into the restaurant. I tried looking for my "date" but I couldn't find her. Then some waiter walked up to me.

"You must be Ayatsuru Shigaraki, correct?" He asked.

"Yes, that's me." I said.

"She's right this way." The waiter led me to a table for two. I pulled out my chair as he walked away.

"You made it." Eiba said surprised.

"Well, Mother didn't really give me a chance to decline." I said while sitting down.

"Good. We haven't gotten to know each other well." Eiba said while pouring me a glass of water.

"Yeah, we have. Mother told you about me and me about you." I took the glass and drank from it.

"I mean one on one. You best know someone when you're alone with them." Eiba said while picking up her drink.

"I don't want to be here." I mumbled.

"I know." Eiba said. I didn't realize she heard me.

"Why this place, anyway? The public doesn't know that we're siblings. In their eyes, there's no reason for us to meet." I said with my cheek resting on my arm on the table.

"Don't pay attention to the public eye. It's unhealthy." Eiba said, ready to speak again. "So, what's it like being a student at UA?"

"Well, it's good, I guess." I answered uninterested.

"Do you enjoy it there?"

"I mean, I guess. Most of my friends are there and I get great advice and training."

"Mm, speaking of training, how is it going with Father? He told me you can use four out of eight quirks now."

"Yeah. Telekinesis, Telepathy, Ash and Rope. I wish I could use Quirk Drain right now." I looked away to my right, past the three other tables, out the big window.

"And why's that?" Eiba asked while sipping her drink again.

"So I can steal your quirk and hypnotize you so I can leave." I said while staring out the window. I heard Eiba chuckle in her glass.

"Well, I'm glad you can't use it yet." I could hear her smile. "Any questions for me?"

"Why are you in Japan? What made you come?" I moved my eyes to look at her but didn't move my head.

"My parents already told me about my adoption so I knew of Mother and Father and you a little for a while. One day, I felt like I was waiting too long and I should come and finally see my birth family so I did." She answered.

"And what made you want to become the CEO?" I asked.

"I intended on just being an intern. I wanted to work their because it fit my interests and I was curious as to how Mother ran it." Eiba answered. "I apologize if I stole the job you wanted. I know everyone expected you to be CEO."

"No, I'm not qualified. Besides, I bet everyone's happy I didn't become CEO since I have 'mental issues' as the press likes to call it." I grumpily answered.

"Ready for me to take your order?" A waiter asked as she held a notepad.

"I'll have sashimi with mm... Soba, hot. And Ayatsuru?" Eiba gently kicked my leg to signal for me to order.

"Uh... I'll have a hamburger, nothing except meat and cheese, with edamame." I removed my arm from the table and leaned back in the chair. Eiba turned her head at me with one of her eyebrows raised.

"You really are a kid, aren't you?" She said.

"Hey!" I leaned forward.

"We'll have a refill on our water." Eiba said. The waiter nodded when writing, took the pitcher, and walked away.

"Since we were on the topic, how did you end up at the facility?" Eiba asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Understandable. Mother said what had been happening there. I'm so sorry." Eiba had a sad look on her face.

"Don't pity me." I said angrily. "Let's just sit in silence until our food gets here."

"Okay." Eiba quietly said while nodding her head. She turned her head to her right and saw some people taking pictures. I followed her gaze and used Telekinesis to throw the phones against the wall, breaking them all instantly.

We stayed silent for most of the time. The only time one of us talked was when Eiba commented on how she was growing impatient.

"Ugh, I'm so hungry." Eiba said with a slight complaining tone. I saw the waiter from before carry trays. She then started walking to our table.

"Here's your food." As she put down the plates, Eiba listed the plates on the table.

"Sashimi... Edamame... Hamburger... Yep, this is everything. Thank you." Eiba smiled as the waiter walked away. I grabbed the pitcher and poured more water in my cup.

We continued in silence until Eiba spoke again.

"You were in the facility because of something about the League, right?" I choked on my food when she said that.

"Uh, sorta." I said. I gave in and told her the story. I left out a lot of details due to time.

"Why were you with the League?" Eiba asked. I could tell she pitied me again.

"Because I wanted to kill Father... And they were the only ones who understood me." I took a sip of my water after speaking. Thinking back on my time with the League.

"... Well, I can understand." Eiba said. "I guess you could say I was abandoned too."

"No. You were loved. I was used. Your dad probably loved you and mine trained me everyday and burdened me with these quirks and how I think. Father let me get damaged. Didn't give a damn about what happened to me." I said.

"Well, how could he have known Mother would've married All For One?" Eiba asked. I ignored her and continued talking.

"And that's not even the worst part. He then replaced me. Treated someone else as his son while his own was going through Hell." I finished speaking for a few seconds to see if Eiba would say anything.

"I know it might be hard. I bet when I was your age, I would've resented Mother and Father as much as you but killing someone doesn't make anything better. Being a villain isn't-"

"Shut up!" I stood up. Multiple heads turned into my direction. "Don't compare your life to mine! I've had it ten times worse than you. No amount of words can get it through that thick fucking skull of yours!" I was interrupted by the window shattering and blue flames burning the three tables between us and the window.

"Eiba, you're here!" Dabi said. He walked on the burning tables until he got to ours. He reached his hand to Eiba's face until I intervened. Somehow a metal branch stabbed him in the back and threw him against the wall behind me. I looked at my palm and saw one of my branches retract back into my skin.

"Which one is that?" Eiba asked. I put my hand on the table and it reformed into one of the chairs. All of our food falling to the floor and the plates shattering. I turned around to look at the mess on the ground.

"What the...?" I started before feeling a surge of energy course through my body. I looked at my arms and it was covered in red electricity. It hurt.

"Your quirks... They're back." Dabi said and ran to me. I covered my face with my arms but he used them to step over me to Eiba. The impact of his foot touching my arm got rid of the energy. "Compress!"

Mr. Compress showed up from what seemed like nowhere and used his quirk on Eiba. She turned into a marble.

"Eiba!" I yelled.

"Nice seeing ya, A Yacht." Dabi said and him and Mr. Compress disappeared through the window. The flames scattered everywhere and everyone was forced to evacuate.

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