Chapter 67: Star

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"I just received word that there's something else in the airspace around 50 km away from their planned landing spot. It's him!" Tsukauchi warned me, Endeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist.

"Oh no..." I was the one who personally requested Star to help. Of course, she would accept even if no one asked, but if anyone was able to fight against AFO, it was her.

She had trained me before I became Conscience. Word spread throughout the American heroes that I was All Might's daughter. She volunteered to help me become a hero. Saying it was a way of paying it forward. I respected her and was incredibly loyal to her.

"Tomura is where the foreign heroes have landed. Come to these coordinates."

"Uuuhhhhh..... Eiba, I just woke up... Gimme a few minutes to open my eyes." When did I have such a whiny brother?

"I don't doubt she can handle her own but this is Tomura Shigaraki we're dealing with. We need to be able to expect the unexpected. I need you to go."

"Why me?! Why not you or Endeavor or Mother? Wanna know what I was dreaming about? A peaceful day! Let me have that!"

"Just go or I'll make sure you never have a peaceful day until you die!"

"Well I wish I was dead right now! ...Fine!" He screamed then the phone went dead.

"Geez..." I sighed as I dropped my head.

"Ayatsuru is so dramatic." Mt. Lady said. "Not even I'm that way."

"Little brothers, am I right?"

Ayatsuru's POV:

I made my way to the coordinates Eiba sent. They were so far. When I found the place, I was met with Tomura getting full on bodied by a laser. I was staring in disbelief. The air was in the form of a lady and she was holding a laser-like spear. I kinda wanted to laugh at Tomura.

"Hey, young boy, who are you?" The real lady had called to me.

"I'm Ayatsuru Shigaraki."

"'Shigaraki?'" She said and then went for me. I used Telekinesis to hold her in place and throw her away from me.

"And who the hell are you?!" I yelled. "'Cuz I'm an ally... I think... You tried to kill me so now I'm not sure of that so much."

"Don't take him out! He's the son of All Might." I heard a device say. I looked at the woman who seemed shocked.

"Oh... I apologize." She said. Tomura lunged for me while she was distracted.

"Mura! I know you're in there, don't fight me!" I held him in Telekinesis. Suddenly, he got hit by lasers. It was the aircraft the weird lady had been standing on.

"Get outta the way, kid. Unless you want to blow up." I listened to the lady's words and got myself in the air. I underestimated the explosion. Once it hit, I was sent back. Using Telekinesis and Octabranch to stop me from travelling far. I looked back at where the explosion was. It was directly on Tomura but he wasn't there.

"Tch, of course." I said under my breath. I spoke through Telepathy to the lady and her crew. "If there's one thing I know about Shigarakis, it's that they're like cockroaches."

I tumbled to the ground. Black veins were all over my arms. I instinctively looked back at the lady. I got up but was too slow. Tomura grabbed her face. I quickly made my way to her and touched Tomura. I tried to use Quirk Manipulation but it wasn't working.

"Ayatsuru, you IDIOT!" Tomura yelled. It wasn't him. All For One was the only one in control of this... Whatever it was. I tried to use Ash to disintegrate him but that wasn't working either. My veins turned back to normal.

"What did you do to me-" I whispered as I backed up but before I could get an answer, Tomura's body started breaking apart. "Kazu now-"

"Master... I am afraid... That I am no longer..." He turned back into rope in front of my eyes. I turned my head back at Tomura. It looked like his quirks were fighting each other inside him. That's never happened to me or All For One. That's when I realized what was happening. The lady had used her quirk to do this to Tomura. They called her 'Star.' I can't explain my feeling at this moment but I raised my hand and took New Order. From 'Star' or Tomura, I don't know. All I knew was I possessed it now. As well as my other quirks. A warm hand was on my shoulder.

"Get out of here, kid!" It was her. Star. "And get New Order out of your body." I obeyed and removed it. Creating an orb out of it. "Go."


"Are you okay?!" Eiba squeezed me as Mother and Dad hugged both of us. It took a while for everyone to let go.

"Eiba... She was a good friend to both of us." Dad said as he laid his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm... So sorry." I said. I took the orb out of my bag and turned it around. It had a label named 'Star.' Both Eiba's and Dad's eyes grew wide but then shrunk and became wet.

"Star!" Eiba grabbed the orb and hugged it tightly. Tears falling on the red, white and blue colors of the orb. Silence was still for only a few seconds.

"... I'm killing that man. He needs to finally pay." My fists were clenched and I trembled with anger.

"Ayatsuru, no." Dad said.

"Why not? You told 1-A to continue fighting and you told me yourself that All For One messed with the wrong kids. I'm also part of 1-A. Was that statement not about me?" I wasn't ready to give up. "I can handle him."

"You said that he took all your quirks. How will you be able to handle someone like that?" Mother imputed.

"That was... My own fault but I-"

"We aren't dealing with Tomura anymore. All For One doesn't have a weakness." Mother said firmly.

"I know that! That's why I'll destroy Tomura's body! All For One is on life support. It's the only reason why he isn't the one doing this destruction. If Tomura's body dies, then All For One won't have movement anymore. Besides, I'm the only hero he wants alive."

"Stop putting yourself in danger!" Eiba screamed. "Your recklessness doesn't just hurt you, you know."

"I've gotten stronger. I'm nearly as powerful as All For One. The only reason why I haven't taken him out yet is because of you guys! You hold me back!"

Those were the last words I said to my family.

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