Chapter 43: Quirks

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I was only able to use Telekinesis and Telepathy. I wasn't able to use either in battle though. Everyone was amazing. They got new and better special moves from their work studies. I was a little jealous. Even Aoyama got good... And Mineta stopped being a wimp. I was at the top of my class but then I'm at the bottom. Lower than the lowest of the class. Why couldn't I just get used to the rest of my quirks already? Why can't I just do what I was able to do before? It didn't take long for me to learn how to use my quirks from All For One so why is it so hard now? This should be easy for me. I've been using these quirks since the beginning of the year. I almost mastered them. I can't even create my Umon. I can't even speak!

"I'm so far behind." I said to Father through Telepathy.

"You'll get back to the position you were. Maybe this is good for you. I bet carrying eight quirks isn't easy." He said back.

"It WAS easy. Simple like lifting up a pencil." I grumpily answered.

"Hey, don't think about it now. You're-"

"How can I NOT think about it now?! It's getting shoved in my face that I'm below everyone. I have to stand next to you and watch everyone fight." I yelled... Sort of.

"Just relax. You're not gonna be back to how you were within a day. Or an hour..." Izuku looked over at us. It was obvious he was listening. "Look, I know you're frusterated. I would be too in your situation but you gotta understand that this isn't an easy fix. It's a slow process. You'll get there eventually."

"Screw that." I muttered. "What if you and or Mother were in danger? Tomura's out there getting stronger. I'm his weakness. Even if I'm not anymore, I'm at his level of strength... Well, I would be."

"Well done! We can save this discussion for after class." He said while applauding my classmates. I stood there, radiating negative energy. I probably resembled Bakugo. I was pissed. My quirks, stored in my body yet I can't use them. I'll get my revenge on that stupid facility. Dr. Garaki is a nice man but what he did to me was monsterous. It's only fitting I return the favor, right?

"Stop thinking like that." Izuku said.

"Huh?" I said. It was a rude response but I forgot to use Telepathy.

"Revenge. It's all over your face." Izuku told me.

"Do you blame me? Imagine if someone took One For All from you. All that work you did from the beginning of the year to get used to it... All the training... For nothing."

"No, I don't blame you but revenge isn't the way. Especially right now. We almost died getting you outta there. It would be a death wish to go there again."

"I don't want revenge immediately. When I master my quirks again, then I'll take action so you don't have to worry. It's gonna be a while." I looked at him. "So... You have two quirks now? Welcome to the club."

"I'm still having trouble controlling Blackwhip. Wait... Does this mean you'll be inheriting the other holders' powers too?" I looked at Izuku surprised. I wasn't expecting that kind of question and I didn't know the answer.

"I don't know. It's about worth, right? That's how the whole thing happens? Father told me a little bit. I don't think they'll see me as worthy. And to be honest, I don't want or need their quirks. Once all my quirks come back, I'll be fine. Blackwhip is like Rope so it'd be useless for me to hold it."

"You're right."


"Hey, Ayatsuru! Are you staying for dinner?!" Uraraka asked me. I walked into the dorms and smelt the air.

"Sure." I said.

"You're speaking now." Momo pointed out.

"Only for a little bit. I'm still trying to get the hang of it." I said.

"Ooh, ooh, say a sentence." Mina said.

"Uh... I like pandas? Does... That work... For you?" I said well. Mina gasped happily.

"That was two sentences!" She exclaimed.

"You're treating me like a baby learning how to talk." Izuku and Bakugo walked in.

"Ayatsuru, you're here." Izuku said.

"Yeah, Iida said you were throwing some party? Sounds like a good excuse to get out of the house."

"He spoke!" Hagakure said to Izuku and Bakugo. "Two sentences!"

"Oh, wow. Really?!" Izuku asked. I sighed and walked away.

The food was delicious. I don't necessarily like parties, like the one Mina threw, but this one was nice. Although, Class B showed up. God, I want to punch Monoma. He didn't say anything, but I knew he would if it was mentioned I can't use most of my quirks. He'd spin himself in a circle if he found that out.

I went back home to Mother and Father. It was late so I wasn't obligated to do anything. I looked over at the papers Mother was reading. I read 'agency.' What did that mean?

"'Agency?'" I said. "What's that?"

"Oh, Ayatsuru. You startled me. I'm making my own hero agency. It's harder than I thought but oh well." Mother said while taking off her glasses.

"But wouldn't that be a lot of work? You already have Owari Industries. Having an agency..."

"Someone filled in for me. I'm still the owner of course but someone else is the CEO."

"Who?" Usually Owaris were the CEO and it was usually the child of the previous one and to my knowledge, I'm not the CEO of Owari Industries.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this... You have a sister."

"Haha, excuse me?" I chuckled in disbelief. A sister?!

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