Chapter 8: The League

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(this will be a fun chapter since the next few will be quite intense. skip if you want but I promise it will be an enjoyable read.)

Dabi is do fucking annoying! Tomura forced me to meet the new recruits and I think I hate them all. Toga's fine, though. I like her. But oh my god. I will kill this blue bastard.

"So you like pandas?" He pointed to my mask that was on the counter. Tomura insisted that I take it off so they could see my face better.

"Yeah," I said. I wanted to leave so bad.

"Cool," he said. And then he burned my mask to ash! Thank god it wasn't the mask Uraraka gave me. Not to mention the time he burned my panda plush because he "didn't like it."

"Why the hell did you disintegrate him?!" I screamed.

"What do you mean? He was ugly." Then he turned away.

"Listen, I Bad, that was a gift from my mother!"

"Don't you have more gifts from her? A Yacht?" I hate him. Only I can call people nicknames. 'A Yacht' is so clever too.

"Yeah, but-"

"Then I don't see why you're so mad." Then he has the nerve to walk away!

Twice isn't that bad. Although he does say conflicting things a lot. Like that one time I was showing off my new suit.

"I love it! I hate it!" Just make up your mind.

Again, Toga's okay. We get along well. I even let her do my eyeliner and nails. I Bad though, called me a clown. God, I'm gonna turn him to ash when no one's looking.

Mr. Compress keeps on stealing my stuff. I'll have my wallet in my pocket but then all of a sudden, it won't be there anymore. I'll look around and find him holding my ID.

"You look like you just woke up in this picture."

"I did now give it back!" I'd try to grab it from him but then he'd leap away. I'm glad Mother taught me not to hold all my money in my wallet. I only had ten dollars in there.

Spinner. He's on my list. He's trying to copy Stain in every single way. He doesn't like me since I sent a Nomu after Stain and my morals don't match with his. So what? Me and Tomura's morals don't match, yet we're the perfect duo. He's also been calling me 'Yatsi' which pisses me off. Only Tomura can call me that.

"Hey, Yatsi, could you help me move this box?" He had ordered new weapons but couldn't even lift the damn package.

"Spinner, I've told you a thousand times, only Tomura can call me 'Yatsi.' You, however, can only call me 'Ayatsuru.'" I was sitting at the bar while letting Toga draw on my hand.

"Oh, come on. It's just a name."

"You'll be just a name if you call me that again." My eyes glowed red. They do that when I'm using my quirks but sometimes I can make them glow red if I want to scare someone.

"Ayatsuru, calm down." Kurogiri said behind the bar. "He's a valueable part of our team. It would be quite the loss if you killed him."

"Fine. I won't. I'll only beat him until he's half dead." I had other reasons to want to kill Spinner. He always tried to start fights with me. I would just be napping or something and he would wake me up. Yelling at me. Saying I stole something of his, or broke it, or whatever. Most of which I never did. He also tried to hold me back all the time but not in a Kurogiri or Dabi way. Because he just wanted to annoy me. At least Kurogiri and Dabi have reasons to hold me back.

Big Sis Magne is alright and lives up to her title of Big Sis. She sort of became my big sister. She always reminded me to not be tied down. Her words always seemed to calm me when I was upset.

"You seem stressed." She told me.

"That's because I am. Father wants me to do so much, Mother doesn't want me to be in danger, Tomura constantly wants me to leak more information, but none of this I can do. Father's expectations of me seem so high. How can I do all that?"

"What does he expect?"

"He expects me to be strong enough to fight All Might. Kill some of my classmates, kill heroes, while also keeping my image of a UA student who doesn't cause any trouble. Plus also hiding his and Tomura's identity... All of this, how can I do it...? All of it? It's just so much... I'm so overwhelmed." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Then don't meet his expectations. You have orders that you need to follow, yes, but follow them in your own way. If he says Tuesday, do it Wednesday." Mag patted me on the back.

"But how could I do that? Father isn't the type to let me refuse his orders."

"You just need to relax. Your situation isn't an easy one, obviously. Besides, you aren't the type to disappoint anyone. Even if you do, you prove something after. Just do it your way and if the big man gets mad, he can just suck it up." She then gave me a big hug.

"Thanks, Mag." I said while hugging her back.

"No prob. You're like a little brother to me!"

I guess the League sort of is a family to me. They take care of me and care for me (some do anyway.) I think I like them. But still, I'll kill at least half of them.

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