Chapter 75: Worry

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"Ayatsuru, you're gonna be okay." I said to him as he was in his bed. He was still breathing heavily.

"Ayatsuru!" Shoto banged on the front door. As I opened the door, his face met mine and all I saw was worry but masked with seriousness. "Where is he?"

"Now's not a good time. He's upstairs but breathing fast and heavily." I motioned for him to sit down.

"At least he's breathing." He said.

"Why did you come here? How did you know what happened?" I joined him on the couch.

"I don't know exactly what happened but Mindgame came to the dorms to speak with All Might. She said things that made me worry."

"What did she say?"

"Ayatsuru is reminding her of All For One. She's terrified of him." I gasped. I never expected Mother to be like this or see Ayatsuru that way.

"What?" I couldn't help but let out.

"I'm just worried." He tried to hold back his last words but ended up telling me them anyway. "My mother was a similar way. I reminded her too much of my father and she eventually..."

"I didn't know that. That sounds so personal, why tell me?"

"You're easy to talk to. I feel like I can tell you anything without judgement." Both Dabi and Shoto trusting me this much. Was it a Todoroki thing or was it just a coincidence? I turned my head to Eri walking down the stairs.

"Is Ayatsuru okay?" She asked.

"He will be." I said. I didn't want to tell her what happened. "He just took a bad fall."

"Is that what the loud sound was?" I didn't know if she meant the moment Ayatsuru hit the floor or when Mother closed the door. I just said yes to not worry her.

"Do you mind if... I stayed here for the night? I just want to make sure he's okay before I leave." Shoto asked me.

"Of course. I don't think you want the workout of going all the way down to the basement so how about I just set up the couch?" I asked him.

"That'll be fine." He nodded.

"Okay. Let me help Eri back to bed and then I'll gather some blankets." I carefully huddled Eri close to me as we walked up the stairs. When we passed Ayatsuru's door, I couldn't hear his breathing. I panicked a little but finished taking Eri to her room. When I returned back I opened Ayatsuru's door.

"Su... Are you okay?" I softly asked as I peeked into his room. I didn't get a response so I walked further in until I got to his bed. I put my hand on his chest. It rose and fell normally. I sighed in relief and left the room to cross the hall to mine.

I got back from upstairs to see Shoto already asleep on the couch. I couldn't blame him, it was nearly midnight. He already used a throw pillow for his head so I threw the blanket in my arms over him and followed in his and everyone else's footsteps.

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