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I am like a boat and he is like an anchor to me.

An anchor that feels like coming home and that's what I've been needing lately.

It's like that: my life is like the ocean, on some days it hits big dangerous waves - which can destroy some things - and on other days the ocean is calm, no waves in sight and those are the best days - calm and relaxed - nobody pressures you, you are just happy and nobody can destroy it.

Then there are also the bad days - the big waves - you feel constricted, everyone is exerting pressure on you and you would like to just drift off to a place where nobody knows you and just be alone, but it doesn't work.

On days like this you need the anchor to be firmly back in the harbor, exactly in the area where you are safe and can simply throw all your worries overboard.

I live for these days and I would like to have them 365 times a year, but the waves keep coming, you just never know when.

Not every boat can simply slide out to the ocean and expect to survive every storm, you have to take a break from time to time and drive to your home port to your anchor.

That's the only thing that keeps a boat alive.

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