Oh, favorite artist

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In this text I would like to write about a musician I have been following for several years and have never stopped supporting. Never.

I watched him grow throughout the years in the music business and I'm proud of him every damn day.

He doesn't know me, but that doesn't stop me from being there for him.

When I see him up there on this big stage and he is so full of passion, my heart jumps and I would love to never leave this moment.

But everything has an end and what remains is just a memory.

And then there is another person behind the stage, the calm, thoughtful - now a man - who is never satisfied with himself, no matter how good he was, he still wants to improve and that breaks him.

He doesn't have to be the perfect artist, nobody is perfect.

Even the musicians cannot do everything and are not perfect in everything, but that is exactly what makes them so unique. He is unique.

Even if I don't know him personally, I know he's hurt and broken, even if he doesn't like to admit it, this is him and that's okay.

Everyone needs a break from life and during this time you have to collect yourself and think about why you are doing all this and remind yourself that you are happy that you are allowed to do something like that.

Especially the artists out there deserve a break to take a deep breath, to collect themselves and to come back stronger.

Unfortunately, many forget themselves on the way up and especially in this industry it is important to know that you have people behind you, who have you back and are there for you, regardless of the situation.

And I'm afraid of my favorite musician, I don't want him to give up on himself, I want him to be fine, not lose himself on the way and never forget why he does it and above all, do not forget where he comes from.

I hope he will be active in this industry for a long time and let us supporters heal his heart and continue to listen to his lovely voice.

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