Path to Destruction

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A/N: Ahhh.... six word document pages later and a total of 2335 words... All of this just for you, my lovely, amazing followers and readers. I just don't like how Teppei doesn't seem to care for himself, and thinks of himself as a shield. I mean, that's wonderful that you want to protect your friends, but the possibilty of never being able to play a sport that you love again really hurts. But, I really do love Teppei!! He's the warm, fuzzy, over-sized teddy bear I've always wanted ^_^ 

Anyways, I hope all of you enjoy! Don't forget to leave comments, minna! I am so thankful that I have a wonderful group of followers/readers whose comments and votes constantly brings a smile to my face. I was checking the WattPad app today during break, and it really brought a smile to my face. I can't thank you guys enough <3

4/4/15 - Dedicated to "xxChainxx" for being the 260th follower ^_^


        I was left to my own devices during our warm-up. I sat on the cold bench in the locker room, gently prodding at my knee. If only we didn’t have back-to-back games each day, my knee could’ve had time to heal. Just as I reached for the athletic tape, I stopped.

        “Damn it! I can’t even put tape on my knee or put a bandage. Because it’s Kirisaki Dai Ichi, he’ll definitely see it and use it against me.” I breathed out a sigh of annoyance. “Ah, I can always cover it up with make-up.” I rummaged through my duffle bag, grabbing my cosmetic case. Grabbing foundation, I carefully applied it to my knee, making sure to hide all traces of my bruises and split skin. I leaned back, looking at my handiwork.

        “It looks pretty good!” I cheered to myself. I tossed my belongings back into my duffle bag and stared at it before closing my eyes and bringing my hands together. “Kami-sama, if you’re watching over onii-san, please don’t let him worry about today’s game. Please keep my teammates safe from harm and please help me assist my team to victory. I need to win this game and show them just how good I am – how good onii-san really was. I won’t let Kirisaki Dai Ichi tarnish onii-san’s memories!”

        Finished with my prayer for luck, I shouldered my duffle bag and made my way out of the locker room. Onii-san, I’ll crush them for you. I’ll going to win and make them suffer.

        I stepped out of the locker room to find Hyuga, Teppei, Kagami, and Kuroko confronting the bane of my existence: Hanamiya Makoto. I found it ironic that his surname consisted of “Hana”, for “flower”. He definitely wasn’t a flower; more like a poison ivy. My hand clenched tightly around the strap of my bag as I glowered at Hanamiya. He must have felt me trying to burn a hole into his forehead because he turned his attention from the four males to me.

        “Ah, who do we have here? If it isn’t that trash Fujioka’s imouto,” Hanamiya sneered. If it was possible, my fist clenched tighter, causing my knuckles to go from a pasty-white color to a paper-white shade. My fingernails dug into the nylon strap.

        “Don’t you dare say his name, you shit-head!” I barked out. “You’re tarnishing onii-san’s name just by breathing the air he did.” Hanamiya’s grin became wider.

        “What a loyal dog you are to you brother. Tell me, how is he enjoying his time being buried deep into the earth, hmm? He’s only trash for the maggots now.” I crossed the court, bringing myself closer to the vile creature.

        “Why, you fucking – ”

        “Masa-kun.” Teppei’s calm voice stopped me from snarling out the rest of the sentence. Teppei’s large hand found itself on my shoulder, stopping me from advancing towards the sly snake. “Please cool down. Hanamiya-san is only riling you up. We should just play a nice, clean game today.” 

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