┆55┆End Zone┆

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"I take back what I said, Masami." Aomine's low timbre was only loud enough for me to hear as he slowly turned around to face me. I tilted my head to the side, looking up at the taller ace with ferocity burning in my irises. His narrowed navy eyes took on a maniac glint. "This is just getting interesting!"


I dribbled the ball as I kept my gaze on Aomine. In the two seconds that we stared at each other, I was planning the execution of my plan. Without taking my eyes off the monster in front of me, I darted forward before twisting to the left, switching the ball from my right hand to my left, keeping the basketball away from Aomine. It was as if my limbs were weightless and the aching pains in my body no longer existed. My head felt clearer and my vision sharper.

I belatedly thought to myself, it's been a while since I've felt this kind of power. I nimbly weaved through Aomine's grasping hands as I continued my advances toward the hoop. I felt a wicked smirk curve upon my lips as Imayoshi froze in terror as Aomine and I continued to battle. Taking advantaged of the older player's stupor, I danced around him, using the point guard/captain as a shield as I utilized my momentum for a dunk.

"Shit!" I cried out as a tanned arm forced the ball away from the basket. The ball flew right into Sakurai's hands, who stood off to the side with wide eyes. The sudden burst of speed that ignited underneath Aomine's black and red sneakers that we had previously bought together caught me off guard. I landed on the slick gymnasium floor awkwardly, forcing me to somersault forward, shooting back onto my feet after the giant.

Soon enough, Sakurai hurled the ball down the court. Just as Aomine caught the pass, I lunged into his path. It became a dance of avoidant – our sneakers squeaking against the floor, the basketball narrowly evading grasping paws, and bodies twisting and turning every which way. I was more than prepared this time when my opponent attempted to launch the orange orb toward the hoop at Seirin's end of the court. My arm flung out, redirecting the ball to the side, which burrowed itself into the mats lined against the walls. The two cameramen flinched, fear and awe lingering in their eyes as they watched the basketball take down the metal barricades.

Aomine and I stood on the court, both lightly panting. I knew my body was exerting itself to its maximum, but I couldn't feel anything. It was liberating. The referee blew his whistle, calling, "Out of bounds! Black ball!" My eyes darted over to the ace, taking in his expression. As if he could feel me examining him, his navy eyes clashed with my dark pink irises. A low exhale of breath that suspiciously sounded like a laugh slipped from his lips.

Tanned hands spanned over the worn surface of the ball. My eyes darted down, taking notice of how huge his hands were before coming back up to meet his challenging gaze. The rapid successions of dodging and manhandling the basketball kept me bouncing on my toes. My hand struck the ball as I snatched it close to my body.

Because we were both in the Zone, our focus and reaction speeds have exceeded our maximums. We weren't making any progress, but we did keep each other at a stalemate. I knew both of our school were relying on us, and even if we were passing to our other teammates, they'd only get in the way. To Aomine, this was a game. This was a challenge to him because finally, another strong player had popped up on his radar. He wanted to lose, but he wanted me to make him lose.

For me, this game was life or death. This was the game that could push my senpais into early retirement, unless we win. This was the last game for us to all play together, unless we win. With that new revelation, I pulled my elbows closer to my body, bringing the ball to my chest and surged forward like an uncontained tempest. Surprise colored Aomine's navy orbs, but I was already ducking under his arm and crashing ahead past him. The number 7 small forward, Susa, leapt diagonally in an attempt to intercept the ball that I had lobbed toward the hoop, but he was seconds too late – I had already scored two points.

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