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A/N: You guys, I can't begin to apologize for how long it's been. All I can say is that the last couple of years have honestly taken a toll on me. My little brother passed away a couple of years ago, I graduated from undergrad two years ago, and am now in the 3rd semester of med school. Also, my laptop with all of my chapters for my fanfics was damaged and I finally got it to turn back on after almost a year.

Like I said, my life has been a mess. I just want you all to know that we are all living through a pandemic and a historical revolution - please don't beat yourselves up if your mental health isn't the best right now. I've got you. Through trial and error, breakdown and break through, sunshine and storm - I'm here. All I ask is that you treat everyone with kindness and without implicit bias. If you don't understand what implicit bias is, please look it up. Take the time out to understand how implicit bias can really affect a person's outlook on life and on others.

Also, goal is to get at least 50 votes before the next chapter!


A minute into the third quarter had Seirin and Touou standing at 49 – 50. Imayoshi was watching Kuroko's every move, effectively knocking the bluenette out of our scheme. Out of the corner of my eyes, I frowned in concern as Kuroko panted heavily from exhaustion. With Izuki sitting out, Susa was on guard with me, with his gaze locked onto me holding the ball.

I quickly glanced around the court, realization hitting me hard – they're completely shutting Kuroko down. No passes, misdirections, nor drives were going to get past Imayoshi. The remaining four Touou players were going to make certain of it. I gritted my teeth together in aggravation as my hands clenched around the basketball tighter. In a moment of clarity, my knees bent lowered as I readied myself to run a right fake-out, sharp twist to the left and then a dodge back to the right. But the moment my red eyes met Kuroko's light blue ones, Imayoshi minutely shifted, blocking Kuroko's view of me. I immediately knew that Kuroko wouldn't be able to break free of the older player.

Instead, I went with my original plan; I lunged toward the right – which was Susa's left side – and in an instant, he followed my movement. Immediately twisting back around to the left, I made sure to shield the ball as I presented my back to Susa briefly before whirling around to face the front again. Susa's quick footwork allowed him to chase me as he dashed to plant himself in front of me. However, his steps landed heavier against the floor, briefly slowing him down. With his height and weight, his center of balance was off-kilter, giving me the millisecond needed to break past him. I darted to the right once again, catching the tall brunette off-guard. Surprise colored his eyes, for I was too agile for him.

However, the ball was nicked from under me within the blink of an eye. My eyes latched onto Imayoshi running down the court with the orange ball dribbling in his hand. I released a low growl of frustration and proceeded to chase after the manipulative senior. As quick as I could, I cut in front of Imayoshi in hopes of slowing him down, even if it was just by a millisecond. As soon as I came into his line of sight, his knees bent before he launched into the air for a three-pointer. Immediately following suit, I leapt into the air in attempts to defy gravity. However, I wasn't quick enough. The scoreboard boasted 49 – 53, with Touou in the lead.

My mind whirled with calculations that could possibly bring Touou to their knees. With the ball restarting in my hands, I hurled it towards Hyuuga.


Without hesitation, my captain snatched the ball from the air and smoothly crouched. Staring heatedly into Sakurai's timid brown eyes, Hyuuga prepared himself for a three with his Barrier Jumper. As soon as Sakurai's eyes darted down at Hyuuga's feet, the captain took the opportunity to pass the ball off to Teppei. With nowhere else to turn with Wakamatsu hounding the gentle giant, he threw the basketball to Kagami.

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