Caught in the Act

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A/N: I absolutely loooooove SYTYCD's Alex and Twitch in this video! 

Anyways, this is definitely for you Tasami shippers <3 The last chapter was for you Dasami lovers haha. Gahh, I really need a new ship name for the two of them... Best ship name get a dedication either for last chapter or this chapter (or maybe even both): Taiga x Masami and Daiki x Masami.


“Get outta your mind

Get outta your mind (what)

Get out your mind (what)

Bump that shit

Get outta your mind (what)

Grab that bottle (what)

Twist the cap (what)

Hold it in the air and tip it back

I really don’t dance, but I’m in the zone

Get outta your mind”

            I landed on my knee, slightly panting, chest heaving. My partner Isao and I shared a look, grinning at our performance. Everyone watching our rehearsal applauded, cheering and shouting our names out; but we only needed the approval of one – Hitomi-sensei’s. When she applauded along with the others, Isao and I stood up, waiting for her verdict.

            She raised a hand up, effectively silencing our fellow dancers.

            “Well, I have to say, this definitely brings out a new use of ballet,” she drily remarked. Isao and I nervously glanced at each other before our eyes darted back towards our strict instructor. “When I said to bring a new style of dancing that involves ballet, this…was…something unexpected.”

            I fidgeted with my ankle, rotating it until I felt a satisfying pop before curling my toes inside of my pointe shoe.

            “BUT…” a slow smile crept onto her slightly wrinkled face. “I loved it.” The entire dance studio erupted into cheers, clapping for our success. “Masami-san and Isao-san will be entered in the competition for next Thursday. With this performance, you guys have to place, or we’ll go back to our training camp.”

            Everyone paled considerably – nobody wanted to go back to Hitomi-sensei’s death camp. I could feel everyone directing their thoughts to us – You better place!


            “Ano…Riko-chan?” I shifted anxiously on my feet as Riko turned around.


            “Can I borrow the gym after the others clear out? I want to practice alone for a bit. I promise I’ll clean up and lock up!” I crossed my fingers behind my back, praying for her to say yes. Riko’s brown eyes stared deeply into my cherry-colored orbs. Heaving a deep sigh, she responded, “Yeah, here are the keys.”

            She tossed them to me and I caught them expertly. “Arigato!”

            I waited until the boys cleared out of the gym for me to begin practicing one of my solo hip-hop/ballet routine with the basketball. I plugged my phone into speakers that I had found in the office in the gym and grabbed a basketball. 

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