Doing It

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After my rough encounter with Kagami, I was left in a foul mood for days. I relentlessly threw myself into dance, pounded away on the piano, and hurled basketballs at the hoop. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours into days, and in which the days ticked by closer to the Winter Cup.

"25 days left until the Winter Cup, huh?" I breathed out, watching myself in the mirrors as I lifted my right leg up, parallel to the balancing bar. "I've already wasted twenty days here in America." I hooked my leg around the balancing bar and slid my left leg out, stretching my muscles. I need to do better since I feel like I'm the only one lagging behind. I have to find a way back to Seirin!


Startled, I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, only to find Michael leaning against the window in the dance studio.

"Let's go for a walk. I have a cousin I want you to meet," Michael beckoned, strolling over to my duffle bag. Hoisting the bag over his shoulder, he tossed me a grin, knowing that I would follow him. I rolled my eyes and headed his way, catching the hoodie he tossed at me.

"Who's this cousin of yours?" I asked as we headed down the street.

"Her name's Alex and she's a complete weirdo," he explained, not noticing my deadpanned expression. "But she's the best at basketball. Although Alex may not look like it, but she's actually a retired WNBA member." Michael's green eyes slid towards me as he said, "She reminds me of you, actually."

"Retired WNBA, huh?" I murmured. "Why am I meeting her?"

"Cause we're going to help you be the best there is. You're going to go to the top and nothing is going to stop you, Masami," Michael responded. "We're going to make sure of that." For the first time in days, I smiled.


            "Alex! It's Michael!" Michael turned the doorknob, entering the house without hesitation. "Alex!"

            On cue, a busty blonde stumbled out of the hallway and into the living room where Michael and I stood. I quickly averted my cherry-colored eyes in embarrassment when I noticed that she was wearing a tight white tee and no pants. Unfazed, Michael greeted her with a smile and a wave.

            "Alex, this is my friend Masami," he gestured towards me. "Masami, this is my older cousin Alexandra!" My eyes jumped from her face to everywhere else in the room, too embarrassed to focus on the half-naked woman in the room.

            "Wahhh!!! She's so cute!" Alex's shrill voice startled us both as she sprinted across the living room to grab my face between her hands. Next thing I knew, her lips were on mine. My eyes grew wide as I began to flail around. The moment Alex released me, I scampered behind Michael, trembling in fear of being assaulted again. I clutched on to the back of Michael's shirt, burying my face into his back.

            "Alright, cuz, stop scaring her," chided Michael. "I came to ask you a favor." A lecherous grin appeared on her face as Alex leaned in closer.

            I pressed myself closer to my partner, using him as a shield as I attempted to inch closer to the door. "If it has anything to do with that pretty lady behind you, then yes!"

            "Eep!" A squeak left my lips involuntarily when Alex directed her attention towards me once again.

            "It kinda does. Can you help Masami with basketball?" A strange glint appeared in Alex's green eyes as she studied me. My instincts told me that it was now or never, so I stood up straighter and moved out from behind Michael.

            "Now that I actually see you, you look somewhat familiar. Mike, where did you say you guys met?"

            "My name is Masami Fujioka. Michael is my dance partner from the studio," I greeted Alex, holding my hand out for a handshake. She accepted my hand, shaking it firmly with narrowed eyes.

            "Fujioka, huh? Japanese name, I assume?" I nodded. "That name is so familiar...Ah! The WNBA recruited you last year! You're a high school student now! I remember you!" Alex crowed with glee, grasping my hand with both of hers now.

            "You were also on the cover of that one ballet magazine Michael used to subscribe to! It's such an honor! I can't believe I got to kiss you!" Alex's face swooped in closer to mine as I attempted to cringe away. My left hand shot out, coming into contact with Alex's forehead as I attempted to shove her face away from mine. Turning my head to the side to where Michael stood, a wicked grin formed on my lips, "Ho ho, you subscribed to Pointe on Point?"

            "Ack!" Michael visibly cringed in embarrassment. I felt Alex nod against my palm which was still the only thing keeping her from kissing me again.

            "He still has them sent to him! Mike sends them to my house and then picks them up every weekend!"

            If it was possible, my smirk became wider. "Oh? Who else knows?" My arm went slack, causing Alex to stumble forward towards me. I took the advantage and wrapped my arms around her waist, peering up at her through my dark lashes.

            "N-nobody!" She squeaked. "You're so cute!" Alex's head swooped down again, but this time I was prepared. I ducked my head down. The momentum she was going at allowed gravity to pull her heavy upper body towards the ground since my hand wasn't there to stop her anymore.

            "Oomph!" Alex's face hit the floor with a resounding thump. Squatting down next to her fallen figure, I asked, "So will you train me?"

            I got my answer in the form of a thumbs-up from the retired WNBA player.


            "You have to jump!" Alex shouted, blowing into her whistle. Sweat dripped down my forehead, trailing down my face and disappearing underneath the collar of my tank. My strawberry blonde hair that originally started out as a tight bun was already falling apart with strands coming undone. I lifted the bottom of my muscle tank to wipe away the sweat before resting both hands on my hips.

            "What am I doing wrong?" I sighed, defeated. Alex motioned for me to pass her the ball, which I did so obligingly.

            "When you run towards the basket, you have to increase the length of your strides. Because you're short –"

            "– hey!"

            " – it'd be difficult for you to jump any higher than where you are now," she finished. "And so, you do this!" With that, Alex took bounding leaps toward the hoop, sprang up by rocking forward from her heels to the balls of her feet, and neatly dunked the ball. My eyes widened in surprise as my mouth formed a small "O". I watched as my trainer turned around with a smirk on her face.

            "If you can do that, you'd be so much closer to your goals."

            I grit my teeth together, baring them in a determined grin. "I'll do whatever it takes to get there." For his sake, for mine, and for theirs. I have to do this.

            "Show me how to do that again. I'll learn it by the end of today."


A/N: WAHHHH~ I'm so sorry guys!!! I can't believe I forgot all about updating for months! College really got to me, and I *mentally* died during the semester since I was dumb enough to take four online classes and one in-class, and I was awful at juggling the online classes. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I'll be updating over summer, but it won't be that often since I'm taking summer courses at the university. BUT I WILL UPDATE

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