V is for Vendetta

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A/N: Sooooo today's my first day of college!!! Whoo! Haha no. I got lost on the way to my first class even after I visited it the past two days... What a freshman! Haha, that's me! Anyways, in honor of the majority of us college kids' first day of school, I wanted to post another chapter. (And because I FINALLY got the crappy internet connection here to work!) So here's to Chapter 29! I thought this chapter should be humorous ;)

And seriously, I need some more ship names for MasamixTaiga and MasamixDaiki. The others were cute, but I only received about three options for each. I NEED MORE. Dedications for the last two chapters go to the best/cutest ship name for each.


          A small sigh escaped my lips as I turned my head to face the window. I had tuned out Genma-sensei the moment he jumped into explaining how to find sine, cosine, and tangents. I had already learned this in America, but I didn’t dare tell Genma-sensei for fear of him calling me up to do every single problem.

            My thoughts wandered off onto my dance competition this Thursday – tomorrow. I continued to tap my pencil on my desk, creating a soft ‘thunk’ every time my pencil met the wooden table. I was excited yet nervous to compete since Hitomi-sensei’s rival dance academy was going to perform too. We had a winning streak going on for the past seven years and we intend to go for our eighth year. However, we heard that the Dancing Dragons had hired a profession choreographer from Brazil. My feet restlessly tapped the floor, shifting around underneath the desk.

            “Fujioka-san, I hope that you’re paying attention.”

            I jerked my head up from the palm of my hand and fumbled for my pencil that I had dropped.

            “Eh…eto…ano… huh?” I sheepishly asked. Genma-sensei sighed while the class burst into laughter. Just as he was about to reply, the bell chimed, signalling the end of the school day. I quickly threw everything into my bag and scurried out of the classroom. Thank Kami-sama that we’re done! I have to practice basketball first. It’s been a while since I actually hung out with the team…

            Humming on the way towards the gym, I was lot in my fantasies of winning tomorrow’s competition and how I would smile tauntingly at the Dancing Dragons. Just thinking about them made me grimace. As I rounded around the corner to the gym, I was so lost in my thoughts that I ran into a brick wall. I don’t remember this wall being here… I groaned, rubbing my sore nose.

            I was just about to kick the wall when I heard it groan too. I mean, walls don’t groan, right? Unless it’s about to fall! I quickly looked up and didn’t see a wall falling down. Instead, I found Hyuga holding his lower chest.

            “Kya!” I let out a tiny squeak, rapidly bowing my head to my captain. “Sorry! Sorry, captain!”

            One of his eyes opened from his wince. When his grey eye met my pink orbs, I watched as Hyuga did a double-take with wide eyes. A light shade of pink dusted across his cheeks as he stumbled a few steps backward. He held his arms up defensively in an “X” and shouted out, “Gahhh!”

            “Sem– ,” I reached a hand out to touch his arm, but he quickly ran away, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. “ –pai?” My hand was left suspending in the air for a couple of seconds before I slowly brought it back down to my side, my sore nose completely forgotten. Scratching my head in confusion, I mumbled under my breath, “What the hell just happened?”


            “Riko! I’m here!” I sprinted into the gym, slightly panting. Due to the run in with Hyuga and having to change in a hurry, I barely had enough time to make it to practice on time. I bent forward, resting my hands on my knees. When I was met with silence, I looked up from my crouch to find everyone staring at me with opened mouths.

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