How to be a Girl

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A/N: So....... I fell short of 5 followers for my goal.... I made a goal a month ago, hoping that I'd boost up from 100 to 150 followers within a 30-month period. Nope. So it made me wonder if the last chapter was fantastic enough to suit your demanding tastes :P Hopefully you guys will love this chapter because I thought it was ridicously cute and hilarious xD


            “Oi! Masami, where do you think you’re going, eh?” Hyuga stopped me from leaving my classroom when the last bell rang. I sighed, blowing the strands of hair irritably out of my face.

            “Oh, Hyuga-sempai,” Kuroko greeted him.

            “Yo,” Kagami's deep voice rumbled next to Kuroko.

            “There’s practice today,” Hyuga continued, ignoring the other two first-year’s greetings. “You already missed two practices; you better show up today.” His glasses glinted in the light, creating a shine on his glasses.

            “E-ehh… ano… I, uh… have a practice match with…uh… Aomine?” I stammered nervously. Fidgeting with the hem of my uniform skirt and avoiding eye contact with the three males, I could feel their surprise and scepticism radiating off them in waves.

            “The Aomine Daiki, the ace of the Generation of Miracles, asked you to a practice match?” Hyuga drawled out, clearly surprised.

            “Really, Masami-chan? Aomine-kun asked you for a practice match?”

            “Gah! That aho! Why didn’t he ask me?

            By then, I was pretty irked with their responses. They’re doubting that I could handle my own against Aomine? I puffed my cheeks out irritably, pouting at them.

            “Mouuuu! You guys are too mean! I can definitely take Aomine!” I flung my index finger out, pointing at the three teens. “Just watch me!” I stomped away quickly, hoping the boys wouldn’t follow me. As I rounded around the corner, I snuck a glance back and smirked victoriously – they weren’t following me.

            Skipped practice… again. Crap! I also have to practice ballet soon! I sighed. Well, now I have to go home and “dress nicely”… Who the hell does he think he is?!

            I smoothed down the light blue blouse that I was wearing before checking my phone. And I’m actually here on time for the first time in forever… I was tempted to turn around and go home to practice my acts for ballet. My annoyance at Aomine’s lateness shortly turned into aggravation at being forced to wait. I sharply turned on my heels and took a step forward on to get jerked backwards by a large hand on my shoulder.

            “Where do you think you’re going, eh?”

            “Well, I was going to go home and sleep since you took too long,” I scoffed. “Kyaa!” With a shriek, I was forcefully jerked backwards into a hard chest. I tilted my head at an angle to look up at the perpetrator, not surprised to see the navy-haired giant holding me.

            “Oi, what do you think you’re doing, Ahomine?”

            “Eh? I’m just holding you in case you’re thinking ‘bout running out on me,” the deep voice rumbled.

            “I’m not surprised. I bet all the other girls you’ve tried to pick up ran away from you,” I snickered. Aomine released me. When I turned around to face him, there was a presentable smirk on his face. He leaned his face down towards mine and grinned, “I bet you want me.”

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