CHAPTER 09 : Restoration

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Later, back at the Ninja's base at Mount Haruna that has been transported into Star Harmony world...

Ichigo: "Phantasm Burst, activate."

Ichigo, Aoi, and Aria have just activated their Phantasm Burst to heal HAVOC Commander's mental damage. High-grade GN particles surround HAVOC Commander's mobile suit and they seep into the cockpit where he is right now. The Ninja and two of his men are monitoring the healing process.

The Ninja: "Status report."

Sigma Unit: "Serious mental damage detected. Healing is now in progress."

Delta Unit: "It's going to take some time, most certainly. Seriously, those morons have no compassion for the sake of religious belief. I mean, look at how much mental damage he has taken."

The Ninja: "I might sound like a broken record here, but they really are no different than the Church of Seira Yamato. Perhaps one step worse, just like what Otoshiro liked to say."

Delta Unit: "Disgusting..."

The Ninja: "Hm? Someone's coming."

Reflect Moon enters the control room.

The Ninja: "It's you..."

SK: "I knew my divination would lead us here."

Kaguya: "Isn't this... the Phantasm Burst?"

The Ninja: "Yes. Ichigo-san, Aoi-san, and Aria-san are trying to heal my other self from all those psychological trauma he's been taking."

SK: "Taking all those psychological trauma... how cruel..."

The Ninja: "It is indeed cruel, and inhuman."

Kaguya: "Seriously, what were they thinking when they did that to him?"

SK: "Obviously, they were shoving their belief down his throat against his will. I forgot to bring this up, but I believe my divination mentioned about them saying this..."

The Ninja: "What is it?"

SK: "Children of God must not suffer from psychological trauma, even if you get bullied and hurt by people. If you do suffer from it, you do not have enough faith in God. Be like God."

Kaguya: "But... we are human. Are they questioning... our humanity?"

The Ninja: "Knowing these people, they won't even find our humanity relevant. Even the slightest deviation from their belief is considered a sin. To be honest, aside from Otoshiro's cultists of old, people like these are supposedly not that common among religious believers. But, once they try to accomplish something..."

SK: "...they do it in full-force with no regards of how others feel."

The Ninja: "Yes. Also, Elfin-san is just as religious as these morons are. But, unlike them, Elfin-san balances out her religious faith with her common sense. That's what makes her a good person through and through."

SK: "I understand. Still, seeing your other self end up like that..."

Sigma Unit then calls the Ninja.

Sigma Unit: "Boss, it's working. The mental damage is starting to get healed. It's a relatively slow process, but still..."

The Ninja: "Any estimates on how long this will take?"

Sigma Unit: "Probably between... two to three hours from now, and that's not counting the breaks for drive recharges and also for the girls to take some rest. Exhaustion can build up fast from this operation."

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