CHAPTER 12 : Are you a Lucker?

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The coalition of Aikatsu idols have once again stopped the returning threat of CKN and saved both HAVOC Commander and the Megakanon idols from doom. Unfortunately, the appearance of Aohime in her physical form - the True Alice - has caused almost everyone aside from Starlight idols anxiety and worry from how ruthless she is against those who have hurt her brother, leading to her being feared by Aine and even being condemned by her surrogate brother's twisted highschool teachers who persistently used Christian teachings to justify the bullying on him. While the threat was stopped, HAVOC Commander was once again psychologically damaged by Ryan's mental assaults and needed to be healed, except that they were forced to use a slower method of healing due to the impracticality of using Phantasm Burst multiple times.

Eleven days have passed since then. Megakanon Academy has resumed its activities, with the Four Devas and their idol fellows now back into their Aikatsu. With HAVOC Commander's absence, Pritama takes charge of his office. While everyone are back into Aikatsu, Aine's mind is still in distraught due to witnessing Aohime's questionable morality. Aohime herself has been staying by HAVOC Commander's side in his rehabilitation chamber to look over him and his recovery process. Having joined Karen as ambassadors of anti-bullying, Aohime has been hunting down bullies after bullies around Indonesia, punishing them hard to stop their unreasonable cruelty against the innocents while still sparing their lives depending on the person. Unfortunately, despite her noble goal which made her revered by all supporters of anti-bullying and care for mental health, she also became a wanted person by Christian organizations who follow the same mindset as HAVOC Commander's teachers. They are desperate to make Aohime stop what she's been doing and strictly follow Christian teachings instead, completely disregarding her apatheism. Aohime has been frequently on the run since then.

Beside all of that, something insidious is preparing to strike...


Inside The Creator's shattered world, one month prior...

Two orbs of light are wandering around above the skies of the shattered world, directly above where pieces of the world core is. At the ground is a chunk of large crystals which houses the last remnants of the world core's energies. These two orbs fly towards the crystal chunk and enter it, merging together in the process to create a khaki-haired girl. Just as the girl is created, her subconscious does get created as well, and she hears someone calling for her within her subconscious.

????: "...creation... ultimate creation..."

Girl: "Uhh..."

????: "My... ultimate creation..."

The girl awakens within her subconsciousness, finding herself facing two familiar looking figures. They are revealed to be Strike Freedom Gundam and The Creator's mobile suit form, the two "gods" who were killed by Ichigo and Aoi.

The Creator: "You have finally awakened, my ultimate creation."

Girl: "A... and you are...?"

The Creator: "No need to fear, for I am the one who created you."

Girl: "I'm your ultimate creation? And, who is this?"

SF: "I am... the one who contributed on your creation."

Girl: "What is your purpose here?"

The Creator: "We may no longer exist in this world due to those insolent fools who rejected us. But you, OUR ultimate creation, shall correct everything and make us exist once more."

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