CHAPTER 11 : True Alice

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HAVOC Commander continues experiencing pain and terror from the mental torture that Ryan is sending into his consciousness, as Ryan then proceeds to repeatedly punch his mobile suit, hurting him in the process. At the same time, the Ninja is also being beaten up by Delta Power Megazord. Ryan's cohorts on the ground are cheering on Ryan.

Yulius: "Alright, Ryan! Go for it!"

Marcel: "Who cares about the repercussions, your autism will get all your actions justified!"

Sinaga: "Yea, just let loose! That moron deserves it anyway!"

The cohorts continue cheering on Ryan. HAVOC Commander keeps screaming in torment as his mental state is being torn apart once again. Those with Innovator powers are able to sense what HAVOC Commander saw in his consciousness, and they are genuinely horrified. Aine is starting to cry at the painful sight of his torture.

Aine: "Please, stop it! He can't take it anymore! Let both of them go!!"

Everyone else are also starting to feel the same agony as both the Ninja and HAVOC Commander.

Karen: "All of you! Please stop this madness! He will never recover from this if the torture keeps going!!"

Miyu: "Please understand his humanity! Let him go!"

Eco teacher: "Irrelevant! Children of God will always be able to recover from any kind of torture! If he falls, then it's his fault for not having enough faith in God!"

The Ninja: "Are you then saying that suffering from psychological trauma is a sin?! GWAARGH!"

The Ninja gets punched once again by Delta Power Megazord as it is holding him by the left arm while the Megazord's right arm is the one throwing punches.

Eco teacher: "That just proves your lack of faith in God! Again, you must pray! Ask for God's protection! There's no such thing as psychological trauma if you believe in God!"

Elfin: "Please listen! Even if God does offer His protection to us, and even if we have faith in God, not all humans' mental strength are equal! One may fall quicker than the other, and that's what happens with Commander's mental strength because of all the constant bullying he suffered throughout his life! All humans have limitations regardless of having religious belief or not, you know?!"

Mirai: "Besides, these girls are crying! They can't bear looking at him being tortured like that!"

Chems teacher: "Why should they cry? Do they not believe in God?"

Elfin: "This isn't the matter of believing in God or not! Just listen to us for a sec, can't you?!"

Yulius: "Again, no suspicious moves, or your friends' lives are forfeit!"

Camilla: "You unforgivable son of a bitch!"

Frans: "What? I couldn't hear that. You think insulting us will make things better for us?"

Camilla: "Ugh...!"

With the lives of their Megakanon friends threatened, the Ninja and the idols fear defending themselves as they're receiving continuous beatdown from the enemy Zords, while Ryan continues torturing HAVOC Commander. Rage begins building up within Aoi, Seira, and Iris as they helplessly watch everyone being hurt in the name of warped Christianity.

Soon, HAVOC Commander's psyche breaks and he falls unconscious from all the psychological damage he received from the torture. His mobile suit falls to the ground.

Seira: "Commander!!"

Robo-Ryan: "Oh, he's collapsed already?"

Chems teacher: "He has failed. His faith in God is weak, too weak."

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