CHAPTER 04 : Persistence

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At the same time, in HAVOC Commander's house...

HAVOC Commander is currently sleeping in his room. Out of nowhere, his phone suddenly rings, waking him up.

Dark General: "Ugh... Who the hell is calling me this late at night?"

He answers the call, but...


Without any second thought, HAVOC Commander ends the call, and notices that it is an unknown number. However, a few seconds after that, he gets another call from yet another unknown number. He answers it, only to get the same line but spoken by seemingly different person.

Dark General: "Bloody persistent! Can't you just stop?!"

He ends the call once again, but the next call already comes in. Angry, he shuts down his phone and puts it inside the drawer next to his bed.

Dark General: "This should put an end to those damned prank calls."

To his surprise, his phone rings once again inside the drawer.

Dark General: "Impossible!"

He opens the drawer, only to find his phone automatically turned on with an incoming call from an unknown number once again.

Dark General: "Enough of this, you bastard!"

HAVOC Commander takes off the back case of his phone and removes both its battery and its SIM card, making sure that no more of these prank calls can reach him again, which fortunately works. He sighs in relief and goes back to sleep.


Later, that morning, at 8 AM...

Using the rift opener installed on his mobile suit, the Ninja arrives at Star Harmony world's Mount Haruna, bringing with him Lord Adviser alongside both Alpha and Omega Units. Lord Adviser himself is inside the cockpit of Omega Unit's mobile suit. They all land at the top of the lava dome right as they got out of the rift.

Lord Adviser: "So, this is the Star Harmony world where your other self currently resides..."

The Ninja: "Correct, old master. Now, let us be on our way."

Soon after, they all proceed to fly again, now towards Indonesia. Unbeknownst to them, as they reach the shoreline, an unidentified Gundam with familiar-looking red color scheme is heading into Japan outside the reach of the Ninja's radar. They continue heading towards Indonesia.

Meanwhile, outside of Star Harmony Academy...

Aine: "Hm?"

While doing a photoshoot session with Mio, Aine notices something coming her way through her Innovator power.

Mio: "Aine, what's wrong?"

Aine: "I sense someone coming our way. Can you feel it?"

Mio: "Hold on..."

Mio also uses her Innovator power to sense.

Mio: "You're right. And it feels like... a Gundam?"

Aine: "Uh-huh. It's getting closer. In fact...!"

Aine looks away from Mio and towards the sky, pointing up. Mio looks at where Aine is pointing at, spotting a Gundam.

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