CHAPTER 17 : Dark Star

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The idols are shocked to see the new ornate-looking Gundam appearing from the lightning's smoke, accompanied by three familiar Gundams. Soon, one more Gundam appears from above, revealing itself to be Ren's repaired MP 2wingS Gundam.

Raki: "At last!"

00RAISER: "You're--!"

The ornate Gundam's pilot is revealed to be Sino himself, while the other three are in fact DreAca's Gundams from a while back: Kii Astray, Skyscrap Gundam, and Fahtz Seibzehn. Kii Astray in particular is AI-controlled with the directives to retrieve Kii, while both Skyscrap and Fahtz Seibzehn are piloted by their respective pilots, albeit their shattered version.

Sino: "To think that I have to directly confront you heretics... You guys disgust me to no end!"

Iris: "Don't tell me you're the one responsible for all these!"

Sino: "Hmph, who else do you think is responsible? Of course it was me!"

Both Skyscrap and Fahtz Seibzehn proceed to face EVA Series.

Shattered Maria: "Seira-chan, please come back to us."

Seira: "Maria?! And Sora as well?!"

Shattered Sora: "Yes, it's us. You're going to come back to our DreAca, and team-up with Ichigo once again."

Seira: "I'm not going to. I have my new partner right here, and I've been having my good dose of passionate idol activities with her, and also my new friends in Megakanon!"

Sino: "So, you're abandoning your destiny in favor of your new friends?! Blasphemous! Aren't you the Hallowed Child destined to team-up with Ichigo?! Act like one, for God's sake!"

Iris: "Enough!"

Iris impulsively fires an Angel Cross Flare at Sino, hitting him hard. While he does take a direct hit, his Gundam is taking no damage.

Shattered Sora: "What are you doing to the Grand Cardinal?! Are you out of your mind?!"

Shattered Maria: "You must not do that! Lord Sino is to be respected, he's going to help unify us all in Aikatsu!"

Seira: "Cut it out! He will NOT!"

Quickly, Seira rushes toward her former idol comrades, firing her Arclite Kanon in rapid-fire mode. Surprised, both Sora and Maria aren't able to dodge in time and takes some hit.

Shattered Sora: "Ugh!"

Shattered Maria: "No!"

Regaining balance earlier than Sora, Maria returns fire with her shoulder-mounted cannons, but Seira blocks the shots with her AT Field. Sino's group are shocked to see the AT Field.

Shattered Maria: "W-what is that barrier?!"

Seira: "This is the proof that I'm never going back with you!"

Ren: "For the love of God... You really are going for it!"

Seira: "Is there anything wrong with that?!"

Seira then fires an Angel Cross Flare that causes an area explosion, hitting Ren, Sora, and Maria in the process. The AI-controlled Kii Astray, however, managed to slip away from the explosion and rushes toward Starlight Academy.

Iris: "What the--?! Someone, don't let that Kii Astray reach the school and snag Kii from there!"

Aria: "I'm on it!"

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