CHAPTER 05 : Serious Pain

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At Starlight Academy...

Aoi: "?!"

Soleil is currently on the cafeteria having their lunchtime. All of a sudden, Aoi feels something amiss from a distance. But, instead of her eyes glowing like an Innovator, they just turned purple for a split second.

Ichigo: "Aoi, what's wrong?"

Aoi: "I just sensed... a disturbance. No, a scream of pain and anguish."

Ran: "Scream of pain? From who?"

Aoi: "I don't know. It's faint, but noticable. And not only that, I sensed something else within myself."

Ichigo: "Sensed somethine else within you? What do you mean?"

As Aoi is glancing at Ichigo, her eyes turns purple again for a split second.

Ichigo: "Aoi, your eyes--!"

Aoi: "Hm? My eyes? What's wrong with them?"

Ichigo: "They changed color for a split second."

Aoi: "No way. If my eyes do change color, it has to be an Innovator glow."

Ichigo: "It wasn't an Innovator glow, though. I saw it myself, they turned... purple."

Aoi: "Now that's weird. If what you just said is true, then..."

Ran: "That something else must be the one causing that."

Aoi: "Um, I just don't know."

Ichigo: "Why not try asking 00 Raiser?"

Aoi: "I have never been able to contact him. He seems to have been dormant since after we defeated The Creator."

Ran: "At a time like this..."

Yurika comes into the cafeteria with a bowl of garlic ramen.

Ran: "Hm? Ah, it's you."

Yurika: "What's going on, you three? It's almost as if you were in a serious conversation."

Ichigo: "It's Aoi, she just sensed someone screaming in pain, anguish."

Yurika: "And whose scream could it be?"

Aoi: "I still have no idea at the moment."

Ran: "And not only that, Ichigo claimed that Aoi's eyes turned purple instead of having an Innovator glow. It happened for a split second, though, and I didn't catch it."

Yurika: "Now that's strange. Should we contact Ninja-san?"

Aoi: "It might not be necessary for the time being. I hope it isn't something serious."

Suddenly, Ichigo's phone rings.

Ichigo: "Hm, who?"

Ichigo notices that it is an interdimensional video transmission. She puts her phone on the table and answers the transmission.

Coco: "This is Coco."

Ichigo: "Coco-chan? What's up?"

Coco: "Aine-chan and Mio-chan are calling. They need some assistance."

Ichigo: "Truly? Okay, let's hear them out."

Aoi: "Aine-chan and Mio-chan? Was that scream of pain was from them? No, it couldn't be."

Shortly after, they are now connected with Aine and Mio.

Mio: "Good day, Ichigo-san and Aoi-san."

[Gunkatsu] Aikatsu ∀0 Season 05 ~Insurrection~Where stories live. Discover now