CHAPTER 10 : With a Vengeance

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A little while ago, at Solvette...

Alicia has just finished packing up her stuffs to follow Aine's group back to Japan. Bringing along her old Aikatsu cards inside her bag, she leaves her room, but not heading directly outside. Instead, she is asked by her father the King to follow him to the bastement along with Charles and Snowdan. Inside the basement is actually a hangar housing a Gundam. Alicia is surprised to see the Gundam inside.

Alicia: "Isn't that... a Gundam?! The same kind of machine that Hibiki has?"

The King: "Correct, my dear. Using this, you can go with them. We made them in secret because we knew you will one day go back with Hibiki for your Aikatsu."

Snowdan: "Your Majesty, I really didn't know you had that intention in mind."

The King: "Well, I already said it was built in secret. I knew your mother wished you to be a good ruler of this nation. However, she did talk to me about how you are still free to follow your dreams. While you are indeed the royal princess of Solvette, you are still a person first and foremost."

Charles: "You mean, this robot was built to represent Sister's free will?"

The King: "Yes."

Alicia: "Father, I can't thank you enough for all these. Even despite your weakened body, you still managed to--"

The King: "Alicia, I'm still not out of the picture yet. I still have some strength left that I couldn't possibly sit back and do nothing."

Alicia: "Ah, I'm sorry."

Charles: "Sister, use the robot and go with Hibiki-san. I'll take care of things here as the royal prince of Solvette. You don't have to worry, we will always be waiting for you to come back."

The King: "Which I think shouldn't be an issue, actually, because those Gundams from Japan apparently have the capability for quick travel by... opening up a gap in the space/time continuum."

Charles: "Oh, okay, I kinda glossed over that. That means you can revisit us anytime with their help?"

Alicia: "That is correct, Charles, I can head back here with ease if I ask them to. Even better, I might want to seek whoever responsible for making such useful system and see if that person is willing to install one for my machine."

The King: "Speaking of which, we have not decided on the robot's name."

Snowdan: "An unnamed machine..."

Alicia: "I guess I'll let my friends do it for me. So, is it ready to lift off?"

The King: "Yes, it is."

Alicia: "Perfect. Hibiki, wait until you see this thing."

Alicia opens the unnamed Gundam's cockpit hatch, enters it, and powers the Gundam up. Soon, she gets greeted by the Gundam's computer in text display, showing her the basics of operating the Gundam, including combat procedures. Skimming through all the basics, Alicia chooses to head out ASAP, having the hangar gate opened.

Outside, Aine's group can hear the noise while they wait for Alicia.

Hibiki: "What's that noise?"

Aine: "Sounds like a big mechanical gate opening up."

Mizuki: "It sounds just like... a hangar gate."

Mio: "Don't tell me Solvette has--!"

Just as Mio predicted, Alicia shows up with her Gundam.

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