CHAPTER 01 : From Out of Nowhere

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Star Harmony Aikaverse, the world that was saved from the wrath of CKN.

About one and a half month has passed since the grand opening of Megakanon Academy, a new idol school for Indonesia located at Bandung, built by a joint-cooperation between Karen Kamishiro and HAVOC Commander as part of their plan to rebuild Indonesia's entertainment industry and introduce the masses into Aikatsu. New students from all over the nation were coming to the school with great interest in idol activities.

Seira Otoshiro, the fallen champion of Dream Academy from her shattered world, has now returned to her passionate idol activities alongside her fellow Four Devas of Megakanon: Iris the 19th Angel, Wendy Suryanda, and Kii Saegusa under the pseudonym "Agesa". Abandoning her past life as a prodigy destined to be Ichigo's ultimate answer for surpassing Mizuki, Seira chooses to move forward into a new future that awaits her, free of any twisted distortions.

It looks like Indonesia's entertainment industry is very well on its way into full restoration.

However, a new, unthinkable threat to everyone's Aikatsu is lurking in the shadows...


Monday morning, at the entrance of Megakanon Academy...

Wendy: "Ah, selamat pagi!"

Wendy arrives at the school and runs into her fellow Four Devas at the entrance and greets them. Kii in particular now has a different hairstyle to match her Agesa pseudonym, removing her puffy twintails in favor of having her hair down with curly look at the end. People can still tell it's Kii because she still has her "ok-ok-okay" catchphrase.

Iris: "Selamat pagi juga."

Kii: "Ah, another day of passionate idol activities. I'm really getting back into shape. How long has it been again? Over a month?"

Seira: "Uh-huh, one and a half."

Wendy: "Hm? What's wrong? You seem a bit different today."

Seira: "Am I?"

Wendy: "I mean, you seem a bit more... quiet."

Kii: "Now that you mention it, I think you're right. Seira-chan isn't as active in talking as she was before."

Iris: "She's probably been affected by Commander's more reserved nature that he regained after we defeated CKN."

Seira: "No, I didn't. You're probably just imagining things. I just don't feel like talking much."

Wendy: "Maybe. Shall we move now?"

The others nod at Wendy before proceeding to go to their classroom.

Meanwhile, inside the headmistress' office room, Tiara and HAVOC Commander are discussing about their current situation...

Tiara: "It's been more than a month now since I became a headmistress once again."

Dark General: "Yea. How do you feel?"

Tiara: "Obviously, it feels good to be back in business. I can once again see my idols grow and become stars in their own way, powered with their passion."

Dark General: "Besides, Megakanon is perfect to help us in restoring Indonesia's entertainment industry. Just look at how much restoration that's been done in the past months or so."

Tiara takes a sip of her tea.

Tiara: "You're right. We've been doing a really good job thus far. But, I believe we can do even better."

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